BTT BTT BTT oh and hell

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They flew down to hell, Alfred keeping an iron grip on Arthur's arm the entire time. They landed on the palace roof, and Alfred released Arthur.

"Welcome to my kingdom!" He boomed, gesturing to his land. It was much different than what Arthur been told hell was like. He had been taught that hell was filled with flames, disorganized and with the screams of the damned filling the air. Instead, it was neatly laid out, with organized sections. There were sections with forests, with mini cities, beaches, almost anywhere people could live. There was of course, a section filled with flames where the souls of sinners were sent to pay, with demon guards patrolling the borders.

"Bonjour Alfred!" a loud voice sang from behind them, and they turned to face the newcomer. It was Francis, and his eyes widened as he got a good look at Arthur.

"Un ange? Pourquoi?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "I zought zat zey were not allowed in 'ell."

Oh great a French bastard of a demon. Arthur thought, scowling. "Excuse you, I don't want to be here either. I was sent here as a punishment."

"I never said anything about not wanting you 'ere mon cher. Alfred what iz zat 'orrible powder on your clothes? Iz zat ze stuff used to kill minor demons?"

"That's the reason he's here dude. King commie decided to order angels to attack demons and he attacked me." Francis scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Zat iz expected of 'im. You can't trust an angel."

"Hey!" Arthur protested, stepping forward. "I'll have you know that angels are perfectly trustworthy and it's demons that can't be trusted! We can't lie."

"Enough of that. Francis, take him down to the closets and get him proper clothes. Show him down to the rooms, then i'll send for Gilbert or Antonio to take him to the throne room, where i'll give him the proper introductions." Alfred ordered, striding out of the room, leaving Arthur alone with the Frenchman.

Francis began to walk away, gesturing for Arthur to follow him. "So, how did you die?" Arthur asked, trying to make conversation as they stepped into an elevator.

"Beheaded during ze revolution of my country." Francis hummed, searching for the right floor. He pressed a button marked 'general closet' and the elevator smoothly moved to the side.

"Wow you're an old demon aren't you?" Arthur taunted.

"Non. I am ze youngest in ze group. I died in early 1794, Antonio sometime in 1700, and ze oldest, Gilbert, died in ze year 1200. Alfred was born sometime in 1492 and became king in 1607, making 'im ze second oldest. When did you die?"

"A-about four years ago." Arthur answered, shocked by how ancient these demons were. "What's the group?"

"We are ze king's closest friends and most trusted advisors. Zere are trois of us, and we are called ze 'bad touch trio' by some of ze ozer demons." he explained patiently while exiting the elevator and leading Arthur into an enormous closet. After shuffling around in the racks of clothes for a couple minutes, he picked out a black uniform with a deep red shirt, paired with a black tie. Francis turned around so the Brit could try the clothes on, Arthur finding that they fit him perfectly.

"Hell is certainly nicer than I thought." Arthur commented as they made their way down the halls.

"Quoi?" Francis asked, looking back at the angel.

"Well you see, in heaven we are taught about how horrible the demons are, how disorganized everything is, and how you all want us and mortals to suffer. Of course I don't doubt the last one, but it is surprisingly organized here." Arthur explained to the confused demon.

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