Returning to heaven

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(A/N sorry about the short chapters but the next ones will be longer because ANGST ANGST ANGST  or at least my attempts at writing angst) 

'Twas the end of Arthur's "punishment". All the demons Arthur had befriended during his short stay had gathered in the hall to see him go, awaiting the messenger who was supposed to take him back. A couple minutes before the messenger was supposed to arrive, Francis, Antonio and Gilbert pulled Arthur off to the side. Francis went first, pressing a folded sheet of paper into Arthur's hands. The parchment looked several centuries old, the ends fraying and curling at the tips. The name Lucille Bonnefoy was signed on the front in flowing script, and turning it over Arthur saw the back was a letter. "Do you have anything to give Ludwig?" Arthur asked Gilbert, who was standing with his hands in his pockets. Gilbert shook his head, lips twisting into a rueful smirk.

"Nein. Francis had zhat paper in his pocket when he died, so he could take it to hell vith him. My body vas burned so I have nothing from vhen I vas alive to give. Just give him zhis." He tossed a coin at Arthur, who managed to catch it. The back was engraved with letters and a symbol, which looked like an eagle.

"Alright. Antonio what about you?"

Antonio sighed, looking at Arthur with sadness and regret. "I have someone I love in heaven, but they probably hate me now... ah I remember my precious little tomato. Of all the riches on my ship I treasured him the most. My Lovi probably never even wants to hear my name again, but my love is no weaker." Arthur nodded, saddened by the pain and loss in the Spaniard's eyes. An image burst to life in front of him of a young man with amber-green eyes, tanned skin, and straight mahogany hair with an odd curl and Arthur stared for a moment before blinking to dispel it.

"Angel Arthur!" A voice called, and an angel in white robes entered the room, escorted by demons. "I have come to return jou to heaven, away from zhis horrible place."

"Dudette show some respect I don't think my place is that bad." Alfred drawled, tail flicking in irritation. "Heaven ain't my cup of tea but I don't go around insulting it in front of the ruler. Only the ruler himself."

"Oh I'm so glad zose filthy demons didn't hurt jou!" The angel fretted, holding Arthur at arms length and examining him.

Francis coughed, looking at the angel with disdain. "Excuse-moi, we are standing right 'ere, refrain from calling us filthy, s'il vous plaît."

"Oh hallo Erzsébet." Gilbert said, glaring at the angel. She immediately shoved Arthur behind her and stepped forward, crossing her arms.

"Gilbert. I see jou haven't changed since zhe last time I saw jou. How did jour tail heal?" she asked, voice sickly sweet with a hint of danger.

"It vas fine. Jou were lucky zhat I vas raised not to hit little girls too hard." he sneered, also stepping forward and spreading his wings. The angel and demon glared at each other for a couple heartbeats, until Alfred had the sense to interrupt before they started fighting.

"Erzsébet Héderváry and Gilbert Beilschmidt fighting in my throne room is not permitted. Unless you provide popcorn." Alfred ordered, unimpressed by their ridiculous show of aggression. Gilbert immediately dropped the aggressive stance and bowed, folding his blood red wings back.

"Es tut uns leid, mein König."(I'm sorry my king) Gilbert muttered, hanging his head in shame. Beside him Erzsébet snorted, tossing her long hair over her shoulder.

"I can not honestly apologize, for I still vant to beat him senseless. Now I must take Arthur back to heaven." She grabbed Arthur's arm and began to drag him out of the throne room, walking briskly.

"Not so fast. There's still something I must discuss with Arthur." he interrupted smoothly, placing a gloved hand on Arthur's forearm. Erzsébet looked back at him and shook her head, lip curling slightly. The demon king's grip tightened slightly, and his eyes hardened, chips of blue ice behind his glasses.

"I can not let jou take him." She said, still pulling on Arthur's arm. He smirked slightly, tilting his head to the side.

"Oh sorry you thought I was asking your permission?" Before Arthur could process what happened, he was in Alfred's arms and the demon king was walking into a room behind the throne hall. Arthur heard an outraged yelp from behind him, and twisted his head to see Erzsébet and Gilbert fighting, with Roderich trying and failing to separate them. Alfred shut the door behind him with his heel, and had to lean against it to avoid dropping Arthur. "HAhaaha did you see her face when I picked you up? HI-larious!" he laughed, eyes filled with amusement once again. Arthur couldn't help but laugh along, resting his head on Alfred's shoulder.

"Yes I suppose that was quite amusing. My favorite was when they started fighting as soon as you turned your back."

Alfred gasped in fake horror, trying not to grin. "Oh no! I hope it won't be like the last time I went up to the meeting place and made the mistake of taking Gilbert with me. He spent the next hour yelling about how there was no beer in angel territory, refusing to speak English, picking a fight with at least ten people and what might have been a tree, and screaming about how he's Snow White when a bird landed on him."

"And you demons wonder why angels think you're chaotic." Arthur grumbled, twisting out of the other's arms. Alfred's face grew solemn, and he placed a hand on Arthur's cheek, forcing him to look into his bright blue eyes.

"We don't have long for goodbyes, and there is information you must know." He spoke, his voice a low murmur. "I can't guarantee your safety, but I will try to protect you. Tensions between the kingdoms are tighter than ever, and if a war breaks out you may be put in the spotlight. Ivan is questioning my leadership, and managing to violate acts. Your magic has to be concealed at all times. Since you are aware of what is around you, you may start to see more fairies. We may not see each other for about a hundred years, but you know where to find me in the mortal realm."

"What about my family? Will they be dragged into this?" Arthur questioned in a breathy tone, emerald eyes wide and filled with worry.

"Your family?"

"My brothers. The oldest is taking care of them, there were six of us. They are still alive and were living in London at the time of my death. Allistor, Dylan, Patrick, Seamus, and Peter. Can you protect them?" Arthur asked, grabbing the demon king's arm in a tight grip. "Do whatever you can to protect them if the need arises. I don't care if if it puts me in danger just protect them dammit." He hissed, glaring into the sweetdevil's eyes.

Alfred nodded, respecting the intensity in the emerald orbs. "I'll assign Gil, Toni, Francis, Natalya, and Lukas to them. They are forbidden to directly affect their lives unless it is to protect them from what angels are trying to do. Agreed?" Alfred offered his hand for a handshake, removing his glove. As soon as their hands touched, a light blue light encircled them, binding them to their word. If Alfred were to go back on his promise, he would experience incredible pain.

"So... I guess this is goodbye." Arthur choked out, tears welling up in his eyes. The sweetdevil shook his head and raised Arthurs head up, the ghost of a smile playing across his lips.

"Not goodbye. I'll see you again, whether it be one thousand years later or next week. And until then, I'll be waiting for you." he leaned down and met Arthur's lips in a soft kiss, speaking volumes of emotion. When he pulled away and met Arthur's shocked and secretly happy face, he smiled. "Try not to knock me down next time we meet." 

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