Oh there's the Romano we all know and love

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(A/N Ayyyyyy back with another chapter! Hope you all enjoy and next week will be the next one! Dasvidaniya!) 

Arthur swooped down like a hawk and grabbed Antonio by the back of his collar, plucking him off of the ground and giving a mighty swoop of his wings, pulling the Spaniard into the air.

"Uhhhh... Arthur, amigo, why exactly am I in the air?" Antonio asked, dangling limply in the Brit's grasp.

"Thank... fuck... that... you're... not... struggling... like... the... other." Arthur grunted out, straining while he scanned the area from above, looking for a very specific curl and scowl. "Wankers!" He finally got out with satisfaction as he dropped Antonio in a small cleared area, staying in the air for a second longer before also landing. Lovino glanced up from his spot on the other side at the yelp the demon made when he impacted with the ground, rolling a couple times before getting up, covered in grass. The Italian's jaw dropped open, scowl evaporating as Antonio's bright green eyes locked with his own.

"T-toni..." Lovino stuttered from where he stood across the cleared area, walking forward as if he was in a trance toward the Spaniard, gracefully sweeping his feet forward over the soft green grass. "Antonio Fernández Carriedo..." He whispered, bowing his head and shutting his hazel green eyes.

"Sì, mi corazon."

"You... you... YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Lovino screamed, headbutting the Spaniard in the ribs so hard that Antonio fell back, Lovino pouncing on him.

"Stand down!" Arthur yelled as others surged forward to intervene, the duo paying them no heed.

"IDIOTA! BASTARDO! SHIT HEAD! ASS! EVIL MUFFIN! STRONZO! ASSHOLE!" Lovino yelled, sitting on Antonio's midsection and hitting him repeatedly in the chest, face scarlet and angry or maybe happy tears pouring down his scarlet cheeks. "SHIT RAT!"

"H-hola Lovi-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Lovino swore loudly, grabbing the Spaniard's collar and pulling him up into a bruising kiss, letting go of Antonio's now torn shirt to caress the demon's face. Or maybe try to crush it, Arthur wasn't fully sure. "I missed you so goddamn much."

"I missed you too, mi amor." Antonio actually got to finish his sentence, but as he opened his mouth to start a new one Lovino suddenly scrambled off of him, delivering a brutal kick to the lying demon's side.


"It-OW-it was actually three centuries and a couple decades."


"That was a good movie."

"I THOUGHT SO TOO. We should watch it together sometime. AND THAT'S BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT!" Antonio caught the angel's sandaled foot before it could connect, pulling forward so Lovino fell on top of him. The Italian fell down with a shout, accidentally, or maybe on purpose punching Antonio in the face. Antonio grabbed the angel's wrists and flipped them over, pinning Lovino down.

"Lovi. Calma." He said, looking at the man under him. "Have you calmed down?" The Italian nodded, face red and hair messed up, attempting to scowl fiercely. "Good." He stood up and offered a hand to the still lying angel, who accepted it.

"I love you." Lovino growled, before standing up on his toes and kissing the Spaniard again, this time lovingly. "I love you, I love you, I love you. I didn't say that enough when you were alive. Ti amo, idiota."

"Yo también te amo." They kissed again, Lovino wrapping his arms around Antonio's neck and lifting one leg up, a kiss straight out of a romance movie.

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