Color of souls

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The trio walked down the hall in silence, Arthur still processing Francis's request.

"Wait why did you guys get sent to hell?" He inquired, then fell silent when piercing red eyes looked at him.

"Curious little angel aren't jou?" Gilbert teased, then a melancholy expression settled on his face. "I was burned at zhe stake for zhe color of my eyes during ze middle ages." He began, gesturing toward his red eyes. "Albinos veren't very accepted back zhen. Vhen zhe mob stormed into my house, zhey made zhe mistake of hurting my little bruder. Mein precious little west."

"But dying because of the color of your eyes isn't a good enough reason to get sent to hell!" Arthur protested. "Heaven accepts the good and pure!"

"Nein zhat iz vhere jou are vrong. Vhen zhey vanted to hurt Luddy, I killed zhem. Vhen my body was burnt, and zhe angels and devils came to discuss vhere I was going to be sent, zhey saw my crime, not zhe purpose behind it. We all died protecting someone. Francis his little sister, my little bruder, Antonio his lover und crew. Heaven saw all of zhis, but only zhe fact zat we committed sins in zhe process. I burned in zhe pits until Alfred's father became king. 200 years in zhe pits, all because I tried to protect mein little bruder."

"Sí, and even though I was a privateer, I did everything for the good of Reino de España. Unfortunately when I was killed in a battle with English ships, their opinion of me was stronger." Antonio and Gilbert's voices and faces were solemn, Gilbert remembering the pain of the pits.

"Vhen jou get up to heaven, vhill you take a message to mein bruder?" Gilbert asked, looking straight ahead.

"Sure what's your brother's name?"

"Ludwig Beilschmidt. Last time I saw him he vas tall, blond, vith blue eyes und alvays followed zhe rules."

"Ludwig? I know him! He was the one that showed me around on my first day." Arthur blurted out. Gilbert's head snapped around, bombarding Arthur with questions about his little brother's wellbeing. Arthur mostly tuned him out, thinking of the words the Prussian demon had uttered earlier.

He was turned down from heaven for protecting someone? So far every demon that i've met, and how they treat me is nothing like i've been taught in heaven.

"Why does Alfred hate angels so much? And why'd he call Amelia 'mommy'?" Arthur asked, still puzzled about the demon king's earlier rage.

"Amigo, that is Alfred's story to share. He doesn't hate angels, but they all hate him. He has suffered at the hands of an angel, and that has shaped his entire existence. Now a question for the nosy little angel. What's your relationship with Amelia?" Antonio asked, green eyes glinting.

"She took me under her wing when I arrived in heaven. She said I was like the son she never had." Arthur answered, chest puffing out with pride as he thought of the other angel's compliments.

Gilbert gave a bark of laughter, nothing like his earlier boisterous 'kesekesekese'. "Zhat's ironic, considering zhat zhe angel bitch has a son."

"Pardon?" Arthur hissed, preparing to defend his caretaker.

"We are here." Antonio said, opening redwood doors to reveal a throne room. Arthur temporarily forgot his quarrel with the Prussian demon as he admired the throne room.

It was decorated in all black, deeps reds and purples, with an enormous throne made out of black diamonds in the center. Alfred lounged on the throne, playing with hellfire, twisting it into different shapes.

"Artie! Yay you're here! Thanks a lot guys you can go now." He called, springing off of the throne to run to where the trio stood.

"No problem Alfred and see you later angel." Gilbert and Antonio said their farewells, and exited the throne room, leaving Arthur alone with the demon king.

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