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(A/N So sorry for not updating this story in nearly a month but i'm not abandoning it I promise! thank you so much to everybody who reads this!) 

"Vith jour life." The reply was prompt, ice blue eyes staring into his own emerald ones, and Arthur knew that the German meant what he said. Arthur leaned in, whispering in the other's ear.

"I have the ability to interact with magical beings, and to see memories. You can't tell anyone. This could get me cast down, or worse. Please, please keep this secret." The Englishman pled, clasping the German's large hands in his own and looking at him with sharp emerald eyes. Ludwig opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the door slamming open, a short man with a very strange curl bouncing on the side of his face bursting in.

"Ve~ I heard crying! What's wrong Luddy? Dio mio were you crying? IF SOMEONE HURT MY LUDWIG I'LL MAKE PASTA OUT OF THEM!" He yelled with an Italian accent, a wide grin on his face. His seemingly closed eyes turned to Arthur, looking at him. "Ciao signore. Come ti chiami? I don't think i've met you before but it's fun to make new friends! Mi chiamo Feliciano Vargas and I would love to be your friend! Unless you hurt Ludwig or mio fratello, in that case I might have to hurt you pretty badly." Feliciano chirped, grabbing the Brit's hand and shaking it energetically.

"Oh well yes umm... I'm Arthur Kirkland and it's very nice to meet you. Say, you look like someone i've seen before." He commented, Feliciano beaming even wider.

"Ve~ Maybe you know my fratello! Lovino Vargas, but I just call him Lovi! We can go see him if you want, but not before Luddy tells me why he was crying and stops trying to sneak out of the room." The Italian said, Ludwig freezing in the doorframe and turning around rather sheepishly.

"It vas just a bad memory. Vhy don't ve go to see jour bruder?" Ludwig suggested, holding open the door for them. The trio made their way through the gardens of heaven, Feli's golden wings fluttering with happiness.

"Mio fratello should be over here somewhere, he loves the tomato gardens! He used to be really aggressive when he was younger and still alive, but after he returned from being gone for seven years he was completely changed, can you believe that? It was totally freaky but he's really nice now!" Feli jabbered, Arthur scanning the garden for the scowling man from the brief flash he saw of Antonio's memory. "Lovi! Ciao fratello come stai?" Feliciano suddenly squealed, jumping on another angel from behind, the other's glossy wings opening in surprise, hitting Ludwig solidly in the face.

"Chigi!" The man yelled, before turning around and seeing that it was just his younger brother. "Oh buongiorno fratello. Sto bene, grazie. Tu?" he turned around, scanning the group with intelligent amber/green eyes. He looked very similar to his brother, despite being shorter and with darker skin, darker hair, but also with a strange curl, though his was on the opposite side of his head. "Feli who's this?"

"Are you Lovi?" Arthur asked, despite already knowing the answer. "I'm Arthur Kirkland."

"Lovino Vargas. Can I help you with anything?" Lovino asked, sitting back down on the stone bench where he was before his little brother interrupted him. He turned a tomato around in his hand, an expression of wistfulness on his rather handsome features as he looked at the tomato gardens.

"Antonio Fernández Carriedo wants you to know that he still loves you." The tomato fell out of his hand as Lovino turned his head to Arthur so fast the British angel was surprised that it didn't fall off.

"T-Toni?" The Italian's voice cracked, tears quickly filling up his eyes. "He's here? Where? I've been looking for him for centuries, I thought that he chose reincarnation!"

"He's not here." Arthur said softly, Lovino's face falling. "He's one of the highest ranking demons in hell. I'm sorry."

"No... It's me that should be sorry. Mi dispiace Toni... I'm so goddamn sorry." He sobbed, burying his head in his hands, shoulders shaking with sobs.

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