The visit

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I rushed into Enjolras' arms as soon as we got there, almost falling over my own feet on the way to him. He had been waiting in the doorway, and took me into his embrace as soon as I came. He had missed me, that was for sure, and I had missed him.

As we entered the house Gav and the other three were cathing up over some tea, or, Eponine, Marius, and Enjolras were drinking tea, Gavroche was simply sitting there. 

I caught Enjolras sending me worried glances all the time, so at last I asked him; "What is wrong, Enjolras? You're sending me weird looks.." I said, which made him smile. "I am simply wondering if your father has been treating you probably... I mean, you almost died.. I've been so nervous." He said, making Christine and me exchange glances, we had also become more close than before, I had forgiven her for leaving me alone. 

Christine took the lead, explaining what had happened, I was almost convinced that Enjolras would be irritated that dad had forbidden me to use my voice, but he was sitting still, listening. "Well. He took the cleverest decesion.... Don't look at me, like that, love... He is trying to protect you from ruining your voice, it's sensible.. I'll be with him on that one." Enjolras said, ignoring my death glare.

"But, Enjolras, if you don't talk in two fucking weeks you don't strengthen your voice!" I roared, not angry at him, but the fact that he was with my father on it. Christine however, gave me a dissaproving look.

"Language Emma!" She said quietly, scolding me for using the F-word, I rolled my eyes, not bothered on her motherly attitude, she could use it on Gustave, not me. "Oh please, don't start lecturing me on my language, dad has been trying to stop me from cursing for as long as I can remember, hasn't worked yet!" I said, Gavroche's attitude had clearly smeared off on me, like hot tar.

She sighed and Enjolras pulled me onto his lap, where I cuddled into him, he was rather comfortable, so I rested my head on his shoulder.


Sorry that it's so short, but the next chapter will be longer, and hopefully better. 

We're going to see where our dear Phantom is going, in the next chapter.

Disclaimer (First time ever..); I do not own Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables. Nor do I own any characters besides Emma, and then the storyline.


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