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"I'll just..." I start, setting Mason on the couch. It was time for his favourite show on TV and he wouldn't miss it for the world.

I straighten up. "I have my stuff in your room." I say. "I'll go clean it up, okay?"

Dani nods at me briefly, distracted by something. I walk over to his room and enter, taken back by how dirty it looked. And Dani hadn't even been there for twenty four hours.

Sighing, I sit on the edge of the bed. I have no idea what to do. I'll clean and pack up - but then what? He seriously can't expect me to sleep on the couch forever.

I think I still have a crane in my neck from last night.

Wait... I think I remember Catherine telling me she wanted a room mate - some help around the apartment.

Translation, she meant she needed someone to clean up after her.

But still, how bad could it be?

I get up, wondering if I still kept those luggage bags from when we moved here.

A quick inspection proved that I did.

I want to sit and think about this rationally. But at the same time, I don't. I think it would be good to get some air, give both Dani and me some space from each other.

I'm going to move out. Woah, this is really happening.

I want to convince myself otherwise, but this time, the light at the end of the tunnel isn't so bright as I wished it would be.

Besides, I can't live here forever, not with Dani around.

I start with my clothes, folding them up as neatly as I can and shoving them into boxes. I'm just about done with all of them when I hear the front door open.

"GUYS! I HAVE AMAZING NEWS!" Amelia shrieks from the kitchen.

Pushing my hair back, I scrawl up from where I was kneeling on the floor.

I didn't think of how this was going to affect her. Did it even matter?

Out in the hall, Amelia kisses Mason on the cheek. Mason makes a face.

"We talked about this." He whines. "I'm a big boy now."

Amelia grins. "I remember Dani saying the same thing when he was eleven."

I stifle a laugh. Eleven. Mason is barely three.

"Anyways, your father is back. And it's almost five."

I look at the time. Usually, Mason and his dad would be at the park by now.

There's a knock on the door. "Hey, family." Says Nate, chewing on an apple. He enters and nudges my shoulder. "How's Catherine?" He winks.

"Dead by your side if Gabriella finds out you said that." I say.

He picks up Mason. "I was only joking." He flashes Dani a smile. "You alright there, man?"

"Just peachy." He replies dryly.

"Okay, we're heading out." He says. Dani extends his hand towards Mason and he hi-5's it.

Once they're gone, Amelia turns to us.

"You said you had news?" Asks Dani.

Amelia looks like she's about to start, but something makes her pause. With a narrowing gaze, she points to the open door in Dani's room, to the bag.

"Are you going somewhere?" She crosses her arms.

"Yeah," I reply, biting my lip.

No, I shouldn't be nervous. This was Amelia. Besides, what I was doing seemed to be the most rational.

"To Catherine's." I reply. 

Amelia drews her eyebrows together in a frown. "I wasn't aware."

"C'mon, Amelia, you know this house isn't big enough for the three of us." Wow, I feel awkard just saying that. "Besides, Dani needs space, after everything--"

Dani, whose been watching silently from the corner looks up at me like he's surprised. 

"Did he ask you to leave?"

My eyes widen a fraction. "He would never, it's just..."

Amelia flinches as if my words hurt her. "He can speak for himself, Valencia." She says, turning to him. "Do you remember the fight we last had?" She says. "It was a particularly bad one. You stormed out."

Dani's eyes flicker to the ground. "I remember." He says. "To me, it happened just over a week ago."

Which must mean it happened before they left for America, two years ago.

"And do you remember the cause?"

Dani looks at his mom. "You were angry I wanted to move out. You wanted to take me to America with you."

Amelia licks her dry lips and rests her hands in her lap after taking a seat on the couch.

"Valencia, I guess you're right... to some extent."

I should by happy, but I can't. This was Amelia. She was like my mom.

I haven't left her side since we arrived in Spain.

Dani turns to his mother. "You said you had news?" He asks, trying to change the topic.

Amelia's eyes light up, like she had just found a solution.

"Yeah." She says. She turns to me. "Your dad wants to buy my paintings."

"I thought he was already doing that." I say.

Dani looks confused, but no one bothers filling him in.

"This is more than that. He's set up a meeting with the owner of Farioshè, and if goes well, I could be working with them directly."

"Mom, that's great!" Dani exclaims, a little smile tugging on his face. "When is it?"

"A week from now." She says. "Which brings me to my conclusion..."

She reaches for my hand and squeezes it. "You can goto Catherine's but you have to return next week to take care of Dani."

"What?!" Dani and I yell at the same time.

"Dani can't travel right now. And I can't leave him here, in this condition. Besides, you know Dani better than anyone."

"Yeah, but I don't know a thing about her." He adds. "'Ma, I'm twenty one fucking years--"

"No cursing." She snaps.

"Fine." He sighs impatiently. "I'm twenty one, and I don't need a babysitter. Besides, Nate and his girl...person are right upstairs."

"It's either Valencia staying here for a few days, or Valencia staying here forever." She smiles sweetly. "Have your pick."

Dani throws her one last glare before storming out of the living room.

Once he's out of earshot I say, "You make me sound like your prisoner."

"You're the daughter I never had, kid." She says, kissing the top of my head. "When are you leaving?"

"Actually..." I whip out my phone, looking for Catherine's number. "I'll ask her to come pick me right now."

Amelia rolls her eyes as she gets up. "Just get your damned license already."

I dial the number, waiting for her to pick up. "No cursing, remember?"

Amelia chuckles as she walks to the kitchen.

"Heello." Catherine's voice rings in my ear.

"Cath, i need a ride." 

"Valencia, you better not be stuck in the rain again, last time you got my car all wet--"

"No, it's not that." I say, glancing at the hand-carry in the bedroom. Dani's bedroom.

"Are you still looking for a roommate?"

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