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At times, the world told you who to be.

It told you how to act, how to behave in certain situations.

Freedom of thought was complete and utter bullshit.

So screw me for being so negative of my situation when there are people who have been through worse.

But the thing is, it's my life. And these events are pretty effing huge, considering I've never gone through anything like this before.

And my 'this', I mean all the lying. The people I love, lying to me over and over like it's nothing.

They say there are behavioral steps a person always takes when something like this happens. You know, first confusion, then denial, followed by anger and sorrow.

Let's just say I skipped through the first two.

Screw being mad, now I'm blazing. Furious enough to throw my phone into a wall.

And that's exactly what I do.

When it doesn't stop ringing, I scream and throw it straight across the room. It hits a wall and breaks into pieces.

"That'll leave a dent." Claire murmers.

She sits besides me on the bed. Her bed. After all, I'm in her house.

"Sorry." I mutter.

"It's okay." She smiles. She grabs a pillow and leans with her head against the headboard. "You know, everytime Liam and I fight, I feel like it's the end of the world. But then, the next day, things do get better."

"It's different." I tell her. By this point, my eyes are red and swollen and I'm wondering how long I can go without  ophthalmic drops. If my brain chooses to concentrate on anything else. Right now, all I see in my head is the same scene, repeating itself over and over like a broken video player. "He didn't lie to you about getting his memories back."

Saying it out loud is a whole other thing. It makes it so much more true than it sounds in my head.

It's crazy, I know. All these weeks, I've imagined what it would be like when he would get his memories back. But I never imagined that it would be like that.

What's he going to do now? The least he could have done is tell me. I would have understood. 

"So he does remember how awesome I was in high school?" Comes a voice from the door.

I turn around to find Liam standing in the doorway.

Claire throws him a dirty look that silently asks him to shut up.

He comes in and sits besides me anyways. "Joking." He says. He tilts his head at me but doesn't say anything for a long time.

"Well," says Claire. "I think we need to get your mind off things. What do you do when you're bored?"

"Watch TV." I say bluntly. 

Liam's lips curve in amusement. "Even distressed she can be sarcastic." He claps his hands. "I say we all go out  tonight. And you can't say no, it's a Friday after all."

Oh, I don't plan on disagreeing this time. I'm not going to sit around and mope like I always do.

"Fine." I reply, wiping my face with the back of my hand. "Zach suggested this club we could go to." 

Liam and Claire both exchange suprised looks, like they didn't expect me to agree and were ready to argue about it.

"Um, yeah. Sounds great." Liam glances at the pink coloured clock hanging in Claire's room. "I'll call Rosie and Kevin, meet you guys outside in ten?"

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