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The week is over in a flash, and it mainly consists of exams and lots and lots of studying. Perhaps a brief shopping trip yesterday, but that was it.

I'm glad they're half-way done. I guess listening in class really does help.

Amelia calls me on Friday, and asks me when I'm going to come over.

"When's your flight?"

"Today, at eight."

I curse. I thought she was leaving tomorrow, which meant I had plenty of time to wrap all the presents me and Catherine got for everyone back home.

8. Which meant she would leave around six. Dang, it was half past five already. 

"I'll be there soon."

Back in Catherine's apartment, I open up all the shopping bags Catherine and I had got last night, along with loads of wrapping paper.

Catherine watches me quietly, a smug smile on her face. "Told ya to let the people at the store pack them. But noo, you had to be all sentimental."

I narrow my eyes at her. Never am i going to admit she's right. 

I start wrapping the jewellery I got for Claire. God knows how much she loves stuff that sparkles.

Next comes this little ornament I got for Rosie. We were passing through this souvenir stall when it caught my eye, and it reminded me of her.

For Kevin and Liam - perfume. I was tempted to get them flowery ones, but it was  Christmas after all. And Hugo Boss had just released their exclusive line.

Those new Nike air max or whatever they're called are for Cayden, and Eli this cute shirt with a pair of wings on it. His sister's still in Germany, last I heard, and I'm not sure she's going to be coming home for Christmas. 

I even want to get Mom something, and she loves perfume, so...

I just hope she still wasn't pissed at me.

After I'm done wrapping everything, I get Catherine to drop me off to Amelia's.

"I'm gonna tell you the same thing I always tell you. Get a damn car."

"But it's so much fun getting you to drive me around."

"Ha. Ha." She says sarcastically. "Just for that, you can drive your pretty little ass there yourself."

She throws the keys at me. I catch them and thank her, getting up almost immediately and running out to her car. 

It takes me twenty minutes to get to the apartment, even though there's not much traffic.

I park the car to see Amelia and Dani already waiting for a taxi downstairs.

Shoving the door open, with bags in my hand and my hair all crazy, I must have looked like a loon.

Amelia and Dani stare up at me. Amelia's eyes widen and Dani's eyebrows draw together.

"Wow." He exclaims. "Ma, your favourite child is here. Now please, hug each other and leave."

Amelia shush shim, but hugs me anyways. "Are those for your friends?" She asks, taking the bags from me.

"Yeah, they're all labelled, so you don't have to worry."

She fits them into her hand-carry.

"Wish me luck, kids." She says.

"Do you need a ride?" I ask her.

"No, I'm going to take a taxi."

Dani, overhearing our conversation, smirks."Sweet. Can I have your car keys?"

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