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In the neon lights, he appears in vivid colours, a little blurred in the edges like a picture not quite in focus. The scheme of the place just further darkens his shadows, highlighting his best features and coincidentally, the ones I don't want to see.

I don't want him here, period. Which is exactly what I tell him.

"I don't care." He copies my movements, making us both look like kids.

By this time, my eyes are already half closed and when I open my mouth to tell him to leave me alone, I realize my words are slurred too.

I didn't drink that much, did I?

I try to step away from him, but in the darkness, it's easy to stumble. I sway on my feet, my eyes clenching shut at the incoming impact.

But it never comes. He's got one hard around my arm, while my other hand has miraculously been able to find a table to hold onto.

His touch isn't harsh. It's gentle. Which makes me feel even worse.

"If you don't let go of me, I'm going to puke on your shoes."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it's a fact."

Narrowing my eyes, I turn my head up to look at him. I can hardly think with all the loud music in here. Ironic, since this is why I came here in the first place.

Do I hate him? Despise him? An I disappointed?

I don't even know anymore.

He pulls me into a corner. When I glance at Claire, Rosie and the guys, they're having the time of the their lives on the dance floor, and I wonder how long it'll be before they realize I'm gone.

"I'm taking you home." His lips are really close to my ear, and for a brief second, I want him to. God, I want it so badly.

But a more dominant part of me tries to push him away.

"I'm not going home!"

"Fine." He sighs in frustration. "My apartment then."

His hair is standing up, jutting out in different directions like he's pulled his hands through a few times. Gone is any trace of amusement in his features.

"Why should I listen to you?!"

"Because you didn't let me explain!" When he yells, he doesn't have to raise his voice any louder. He's ominously calm about the whole thing, not as frazzled by it as I am.

When he touches my arm again, it's to drag me out of the club. I meagerly comply, but I'm not happy about it.

He pulls out an unfamiliar key and unlocks his car. When I refuse to get it, he frowns. "You're being so childish, you know that."

I simply scowl back at him. He had no right to say anything to me, let alone make judgements.

He walks over to the other side and opens the car door for me to climb in.


It's such a simple word, and the only question I can muster up right now.

"Please get in the car, Valencia." He sounds tired. "I'll explain everything."

Swallowing, I get in. He shuts the door and walks back around the car, getting in and starting it up.

The ride is both quiet and awkward. Dani switches on the radio to fill the void, but as soon as he recoils his hand I switch it off.

It's late, and almost all of the city is asleep. The stars that look down upon us are the same.

I wonder if they're looking at us now, the same stars that witnessed me falling in love with him, the same ones present the night I lost him.

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