(V) Unwelcome Realisations And Events

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The next day I found myself texting Vivaan, yes Vivaan, my official frenemy, the stupid bf of my (kind of) bff.

He was on a vacation in Guwahati, Assam. Not because of the beauty of the state but because his grandparents lived there and the place was his annual family holiday destination.

I was talking to him because despite being stupid, he was a brilliant student. The reason behind that sad fact was coaching classes, which he had been attending since ninth grade.

Why was he replying to me? That is an interesting question. I think it was because he was bored. All the other boys were having a sleepover at Karan's place and he was not allowed to talk to them.

Something-something about ditching them last minute; something-something about breaking the bro code.

Pathetic drama queens.

He couldn't risk talking to Radhika either. Her mother had snooped around and had came across her chats with him. My dear friend had forgotten to delete her messages to Vivaan. She was still in the process of explaining the exchange of thousands of kissy faces with him in a five minute conversation.

Is it just me or do everyone have such insanely idiotic friends?

So anyway, due to the result of these dramatic events, poor Vivaan was forced to chat with me, encouraged by the divine force of boredom.

Not that I was complaining.

As much as it pains me to admit it, his input had been really useful. He had given me detailed descriptions of the courses offered by various coaching centres and also shared his opinion regarding the best ones for clearing NEET.

After a while though, both of us got distracted and simply indulged in mindless chatter.

"How hot is it over there?"

"I dont't know exactly, but I've experienced what it feels like to be roasted by the wind."

"That bad huh?"

"Worse than bad."

"Well if there is one good thing about this trip, it is the weather."


"Come on Ash, I know you can come up with a better response than 'hmm'."

"No I cannot, you're boring"

"Wow I am not even offended anymore."

"That's depressing."

He went offline after that. Thinking that the conversation was over, I checked the websites of all the good coaching centres that Vivaan had recommended. Almost all of them offered a thirty to forty percent discount to students with a perfect ten CGPA in class tenth.

Mine was nine point eight.

The only option left to me was to apply for scholarship tests conducted by them. They would be testing the students on the basis of their class ninth and tenth knowledge.

'That would be easy' I thought. The whole combined syllabus of class ninth and tenth was less than that of class eleventh.

This was not an exaggeration.

If it's not clear yet, I had finally decided that I'll work for something I wanted the most. And the first step towards achieving my goal would be to get a good rank in NEET.

While I was reading the details of the fee structure and test series of a centre of my choice, my phone vibrated in my hands. It was the idiot again.

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