(XIII) Reluctant matchmaking

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'How stupid are you Ashiana?'

My brows creased in a frown as I scanned the hour old what's app message.

'You finally got near enough a wi fi huh?' I quickly typed back before directing my attention to Alia.

I was sitting in her freakishly purple room, waiting for her laptop to switch on, so as to proceed with our movie night.

At three o'clock in the afternoon.

Indian parents I tell you.

On top of that, Alia, being the diva she was, had perfected the art of acting pissed.

And I was the unfortunate mortal at the receiving end of her glares, which were quite deadly might I add. All because I insisted on watching just one movie instead of three.

As if she read my mind, Alia grumbled for the fifth time since I had changed our plan.

"What do you possibly do in the middle of summer vacations, that required you to abandon me like this Ash?"

I barely refrained from rolling my eyes at her overly dramatic tone. "I haven't abandoned you, stop acting like a middle aged wife."

"You know what I mean!"

"Yes honey, but I have no choice. Coaching resumes tomorrow and I need to revise. Forgive me for not wanting to let some merciless monsters in the guise of teachers  insult me in class."

"Whatever," she lowkey snapped while shuffling though her collection of DVDs.

Before I could retort back, my phone binged with a reply from Karan.

'Yes! I'm so sick of jungles Ash, I'm not interested in tigers. But tell that to my parents. We spent seven hours in that effing jungle! Remind me to never go on a family 'fun' trip again.'

I chuckled lowly. I could practically hear the frustration seeping from his words. Clearly, the thick forests of Sundarbans wasn't his idea of a good vacation.

'So are you back in Delhi?'

'Nah, we'll stay in Kolkata for a couple of days. Internet connection at my grandpa's house was a pleasant surprise. Until I received a flood of messages from Kian. Please tell me he's lying. You didn't really think that he won't invite you right?'

Gods no, not this again please.

'Nope, I was stupid. But it's all good now, we talked and everything, kian and I.'

'*sighs* I honestly don't know what to do with you.'

'Bring me loads of sweets from Bengal ;)'

'Yeah yeah...'

"So now texting is more important?"

I looked up, only to see Alia scowling at my phone.

"I'm sorry....you know what? We'll watch one of your choice." I tried negotiating.

"That's not the point Ash, the tradition is that we at least watch three movies, your choice, mine and one random." She continued huffing.

"Oh....we can space it out then. Next week, we'll watch a movie of my choice and a random one  the week after that." Alia was the reason I understood why comedians made fun of their girlfriends, girls can be unreasonable.

She shook her head, "you don't get it." Sighing, she clicked play and I was surprised when an oh-so-familiar opening tune greeted me.

"Harry potter and the socerer's stone!" I exclaimed, shocked. I must've been quite distracted with Karan's texts as I couldn't believe that I missed seeing the cover of the DVD she had pulled from her shelf.

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