(XXV) Tandoor and Tears

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I often wonder why my generation is so impulsive.

Radhika and Vivaan, after a three-hour long conversation, decided to forgive each other. They still had a lot of things to sort out, like her trust issues and his going behind her back, but they were being civil to each other, for now at least. Sadly, they weren't back together just yet and I was getting really tired of their will-they-won't-they attitude.

On the bright side, however, the next day was relatively peaceful. We explored the city further and even paid a visit to Madhapur, quite possibly the richest village in South Asia. I honestly couldn't believe that it was a village.

No one wanted to do anything but stay in on our third and second-last day in Bhuj. When I found out that Rads was having Vivaan over to talk even more, I couldn't escape from my room fast enough.

"We were wondering when you'd join us," Karan said, stepping aside to let me pass, "come on in."

Confused, I looked around and spotted Aryan mindlessly flicking through channels on the TV, realising that I wasn't the only one fed up with their drama.

"I'm hungry," I announced, dropping beside Kian on the carpet at the foot of his bed, "bored and hungry."

"Well then you shouldn't have missed breakfast," Kian said lazily, kicking Aryan's foot, which was dangling from the chair he was sitting on sideways, and motioning him to stop at Star Sports.

"I don't want to watch Cricket!" Aryan moaned, trying, and failing, to return Kian's kick as he changed the channel again.

"Too bad, I want to watch the highlights of yesterday's match." Kian kicked him again, more violently than before.

"What's the point? You already know who won." I said, gratefully accepting a bowl of cup noodles from Karan as he settled down beside me. "Aryan and I aren't too fond of that game. I'm not fond of any sport to be honest."

"So you guys don't have to watch, it's our room anyway. Karan, back me up."

Karan simply slurped down his noodles. "Don't drag me into this."

Kian narrowed his eyes at his roommate as Aryan punched the air in an exaggerated display of victory. "We're not friends anymore."

"Quit being dramatic space boy."

Kian groaned, finally accepting defeat and stood up. "Alright then, I'm going to get a coke, anyone need something else?"


"Chai please."

"More noodles"

"Cool, fetch it yourself." He grinned, stepping out of the room before we could hit him.


"Can I ask you something?"

Karan looked up from his phone and smiled, waving towards the seat beside him. "Sure."

Today was the last day of our epic trip and despite this being the best vacation of my life, I still felt that there was one last thing I was had to do. A hollow sensation lingered. This was supposed to be, after all, something to remember my friends by, since it would be a miracle if we managed to remain so close once college started. Yet, I felt incomplete.

And I knew exactly why.

Sitting down on the sofa, I turned to face him. "Are you...okay?"

He stared at me, confused. "Am I not supposed to be?"

"No, I meant...do you think about Adi?"

Grim understanding dawned on his face. "So now it's your turn to play shrink? Save it Ash, the others have already prodded me enough."

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