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it was not short-lived and sweet as their quickly developed relationship was when they first started becoming a thing. the new type of love was passionate, sincere and so, so eternal. matsukawa knew that when kei held him in the freezing cold; something he knew the blond didn't want to be doing. he'd rather be inside, hauled up in his room, with a blanket around his shoulders and a steaming cup of noodles on his nightstand. yet there he was, in the cold, supporting matsukawa in the strangest yet most effective way he could.

once matsukawa had calmed down, he relaxed his grip, and tsukishima stepped back, looking down at him with a stern look on his face. he pointedly stepped on the lighter, cracking it with his weight, before stepping back.

"don't give up now, issei. there's no reason to. you're not as weak as you think you are."

"i am weak," he murmured, "i'm really weak, kei, i'm so weak and selfish. i'm a horrible person. horrible."

"oh my god, shut up," he groaned, "issei, if you were weak that cigarette would've been lit before i arrived."

matsukawa took a very, very deep breath, pulling out the carton guiltily from his hidden pocket, handing it to tsukishima, before speaking. "i don't understand anything anymore. i'm confused about us and smoking and friends and work and everything. i'm confused about who i am and what i stand for and what it is between us, because it's the strangest thing i've ever been through. you confuse me, kei, you confuse me so fucking much and i can't understand what it is that you want from me. you're supposed to hate me, you're supposed to be running away from something as troublesome as me."

"i don't run that easily," tsukishima shrugged, "i stuck up with tadashi for years before i found that he wasn't as annoying as i'd figured. i continued to play volleyball even after my brother shattered all of my hopes and dreams in that field. i continued my school even though i hate studying with a passion. i may seem like i give up easily, but really, you'd be disappointed. i thought you'd seen that by now."

"you should give up on me."

"i should've given up on tadashi, on volleyball, on school. and maybe i made the wrong choice. maybe reciprocating your emotions was the biggest fucking mistake of my life. but we'll see about that, however annoying i may find it."

tsukishima made dinner for them that evening. it was instant ramen. matsukawa was not impressed.

"the least you could've done was get family mart fried chicken to top it off," he murmured, curling the noodles around his chopsticks before slurping them up. he liked twirling because it was fancy as fuck. like the italians, he'd tell tsukishima.

"if you wanted a proper meal, you should've cooked, and i'm sure as hell not making an extra trip all the way to the fucking konbini just so you can stuff your fat ass with more family mart fried chicken."

"i mean, you could've chopped up some green onions or something," he pointed out.

"shut the fuck up or i'll cut up your green onion," tsukishima muttered, "i swear to god."

"okay, it is not green."

"blue, maybe."

"that's because you've been refusing to have sex."

"very true. have you suffered enough, you think?" he asked indifferently, looking up at him. 

"i have suffered immensely, oh lord tsukishima kei," he said sarcastically, "please grace me with your holy asshole so i can finally stuff my dick in something other than my fist."

"okay, yeah, i lost my appetite," tsukishima grumbled as he set his bowl down, "gross, issei."

they went to family mart anyway, at two am, after tsukishima decided he was hungry. probably due to strenuous activities (that means getting rid of matsukawa's terrible case of blue balls). tsukishima dragged a rather tired matsukawa along, insisting on not suffering alone, and since matsukawa had so heavily insisted on their fried chicken, well, that would be exactly what he would get.

together with their fried chicken, lube and green onions, though, they got a whole other experience that none of those involved would've liked to have had.

"kei, fuck, we need to leave now," matsukawa insisted as kei searched for his favourite brand of lube.

"what? give me a second, i'm not letting you do it withou—"

"kei. now," he said hastily, but by that time, it was already too late, because when he turned around he bumped straight into a strangely familiar man with his counterpart behind him, and as soon as he recognized him he thought to himself, oh fuck.

there, in all his glory, was hanamaki takahiro, with behind him his probably loyal friend iwaizumi hajime, along with a strong urge matsukaea suddenly had to jump in front of a bus.

"matsukawa," hanamaki said coldly. yep, tsukishima thought, those two did not go through a nice break-up.

"hi, tak—"

"we're not on a fucking first name basis," he bit, eyeing tsukishima up and down, "karasuno first-years seem to be a trend now, don't they?"

"there's only four of us. hardly a trend," tsukishima shrugged, and hanamaki turned to glare at him instead, which he didn't really care for, "especially since those two dimwits are definitely still single and hopeless."

"ah, matsukawa finally had the balls to settle down?" he murmured, obviously displeased, which honestly pleased tsukishima a little, if he were completely honest, "never expected that, honestly. is my precious mattsun still as much of a crackhead as he was before?"

matsukawa sighed deeply, "hanamaki, c'mon, we don't have to be petty."

"speak for yourself," he retorted, "you and i both know damn well it's justified."

then iwaizumi spoke, for the first time that night, "hanamaki, they're not worth our time."

"what're you here for, anyway?" tsukishima asked them pointedly. iwaizumi glared at him.

"oikawa and i have some unfinished business i need to resolve."

this is where things actually get interesting lol thIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN EDITING FOR JUST SO I CAN MAKE IT A SPECIAL KIND OF FUCKED UP



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