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this song has nothing to do w the chapter its just rly good thanks

when tsukishima walked out to get breakfast, he bumped into their vip guest. hanamaki looked up at him, and his neutral expression turned slightly sour, glancing down.

"sorry," he grumbled, hoisting his backpack higher onto his shoulder, "i'm gonna go."

"you're welcome to stay for breakfast," matsukawa said, appearing from the kitchen, "i made enough for three."

"matsukawa, no," hanamaki said lowly, and his stomach grumbled, giving him away. "fucking hell. no. i'm leaving."

"christ, just eat, it won't make you less of a person," matsukawa pointed out, "i owe you. c'mon." hanamaki glared at him with a sour expression that rivaled tsukishima's, and stomped after matsukawa to sit at the small dining table where a breakfast consisting of a bunch of side dishes was set out for the three of them.

"you did your best," hanamaki muttered, as if he was angry about matsukawa doing so, "what's the deal with that?"

"i always do my best. i take so much shit from my chef, i can't help but do whatever i can," he hums, "i'm gonna be the next gordon ramsay. but more attractive."

"no, i don't think that's possible," tsukishima pointed out, "he's the dinosaur of chefs."

"and you're a fucking dinosaur furry. you need to mcstop," matsukawa retorted. hanamaki awkwardly brought the grilled salmon to his mouth, keeping quiet at the rather odd conversation.

"shut up, i am not a furry."

"you considered buying one of those huge t-rex costumes."

"they look comfy. i want it as a pillow."


"you're attracted to one. i don't know what's worse."

"your salmon's getting cold," hanamaki pointed out, silently begging for the two to shut the fuck up. tsukishima raised an eyebrow. matsukawa fell silent.

"yeah," he said eventually, "this is why i prefer sashimi."

"no you don't. you prefer smoked salmon," hanamaki retorted factually, "with flambeed cheese, like that stupid american sushi roll that every sane japanese person hates." once he realized what he'd said, he awkwardly blushed, his eyes trained on the small bowl of miso soup. "but tastebuds change."

"no, i do," he said quietly, "prefer smoked salmon, that is." he smiled sadly. "it's the first thing my chef taught me when i worked back at the sushi place. well, after making nigiri. of course. he liked fast learning."

tsukishima stood up abruptly, pushing his chair back, and setting his dish down. "well, while you two go verbally get it on, i'm gonna take a shower. there's only so much awkward tension a person can take."

"kei..." matsukawa sighed, "you don't understand. we're not doing anything of the sort."

"that guy's in love with you seven years ago. if you can't take the hint, well, that's your issue, but it's annoying the fuck out of me," he explained plainly.

"are you jealous? because i'm trying to be, i don't know, civil?"

"no. i honestly couldn't care less," he shrugged in response, "but i'm in a severely cringeworthy situation, and that's not my favourite thing in the world. so i'm going to shower, since your body warmth is freaking horrendous at night and i'm pretty sure you drooled all over me. good day."

matsukawa watched tsukishima exit the room, running a hand through his hair in frustration. hanamaki took a bite of salmon, before standing up as well.

"i'll take my leave. i don't want to be a nuisance any longer."

"you're going back to miyagi today?" matsukawa asked.

"no. i'm stuck here until iwaizumi gets his shit together with oikawa."

"you can stay here," matsukawa insisted, "he's honestly fine with it. he's just like this sometimes. don't blame yourself."

"oh, fucking hell," hanamaki hissed, "can you stop it already?! i don't need your generosity!" he glared down at him, placing his hands on the table with a certain sense of aggression. "you don't think i hate this or something? you broke me back then. you turned into my worst living nightmare and unleashed it all on me. you didn't even suffer. i did for you. i was there for you, all the time, even though you treated me like absolute dogshit. and now you expect me to cozy up in your bed, eat your stupid fucking food and watch you make out with a new boyfriend that likes to make it very apparent that yes, you are capable of being faithful? i fucking hate this! i hate you and i hate him and i hate myself and i hate everything, absolutely everything. i'm sick of this shit. i'm sick of you pretending that you're sorry, treating me like some pathetic fucking princess just to show that you grew a set of balls. i don't want to know. i don't..." he was shaking at that point, tears starting to build up. he angrily tried to wipe them away. "shit," he cursed, "no. fuck off. i'm not fucking crying over you." his voice cracked during the last sentence, and he silently started sobbing, a string of curse words released as he did so.

matsukawa stared at him with wide eyes. he stared at the product of his earlier incapability of keeping himself under control. how he had managed to break someone so badly, he'd probably never understand. he'd never be able to forgive himself, either.


"fuck you," he cried softly, "fuck you. you're awful. i hate you."

"i'm so sorry," he whispered, "i truthfully am. i... i never meant to leave it like this. i didn't know."

"what? that cheating on someone and disregarding their love for you will hurt them? are you delusional? or just really fucking stupid?"

"both, i'm afraid," he replied, biting his lip. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have gone so over the top..." he sighed as he looked at the table. "my intention was never to hurt you. i was young and stupid and pathetic. and you had to suffer through it. i'm sorry."

"how could you have changed?" he asked, "you still fucking smell the same. i hate this. why couldn't you treat me like you treat him?"

"i should have. i know that." matsukawa stood up and walked over to him, taking him by his shoulders and turning him so that he looked him straight in the eye. "i'm sorry, takahiro, i really am. as sincere as i can be."

hanamaki pushed his hands away. "what the hell do i do with that?"

"stay another night. i'm not letting you freeze out there."

he looked away. "wash the bedsheets first."

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