Chapter 1.

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Hi Everyone! This is my first fanfiction so no flames please! I usually don't go back and reread what I wrote. This chapter will be very short, because it's just an introduction. There will be mature content later in the story, but I'll put a warning on the chapter. Also, I truly admire the boys and respect their real-life relationships which is why I didn't add Perrie or Eleanor in this story. I love them all! Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoy!

I quickly grabbed my black hoodie to go with the dark skinny jeans I had thrown on. I almost wore my gray sweatpants, but I knew Laura, my best friend, would kill me. She hates my last-second clothing choices, which I make every day because I'm always waking up late. My mother is never home at this hour to wake me up for school, she's always out by 5am and there's no way I'm waking up that early. My alarm clock isn't at fault either, but it's just so easy to ignore. I put on my Ray-Ban glasses, not sunglasses, because I'm half-blind and rush out the door before she can honk the horn of her red Jeep.

"Jesus, will you ever get up early?" Laur asked me, frowning at me as I pulled my hoodie over my head.

"Hey, at least she wore Vans. That's kind of acceptable." Kai defended me from the backseat. I grinned gratefully at him before answering, "Probably not,"

Kai, Rebecca, and I. We were the powerhouse trio to rival the three queen bitches, Jenna, Holly, and Caitlyn. I liked to think that we were standing up for all the other misfits, seeing as we were once also misfits, before we found each other.

"Anna, can you braid my hair for me before we arrive at hell?" Laur asked, flipping her chocolate locks over her shoulder at me. It was really a mystery to me how she hadn't fit in before us, but I complied, rolling my eyes.

"Oh my fucking god, did you people hear about the boy band that's enrolling at OUR school?" Kai exclaimed, his gay side making an excited appearance as he stared intently at his iPhone. Laur and I often joked that he secretly a white girl.

"Ew, a boy band? Are you fucking with me right now?" Laura scoffed and I couldn't help but agree with her.

"Boy bands never stay together." I remind Kai gently. "Plus they're usually not that great."

"But they're pure sexiness!" He argues back, unfazed. "I can't wait to meet them!" He was practically glowing at this point. "Hurry up and drive Laura!" he demanded. I could see Laur roll her eyes and I giggled at our wonderful friendship.

"Aidos chicas!" I waved cheekily to Laur and Kai while heading off in the opposite direction to my first class. Of course, the universe decided to fuck with me, because the first thing I saw was Holly bashing a girl, who I recognized from our Chemistry class, but was still a sophomore, therefore a year younger than us. "Wow, look at you, you slut. Proud of yourself for sleeping with three guys this week alone? You'll never have a real relationship." I hear her sneer at the poor girl, who was being pushed against the locker. Holly was known for being one of the more aggressive girls in the queen trio. Me being me, I decided to intervene before any more damage could be caused.

"Leave her the fuck alone," I snarled at the platinum blonde, whose hair was obviously fake, along with the rest of her. Holly just smirked and twirled a strand of her hair around her finger innocently.

"I was wondering when you'd show up, Anastasia. We've missed you during Spring Break!" she forced a sparkly smile at me. I saw the other girl silently slip away from the impending fight. "I almost forgot how hideous you dress," she added after she took a glance at what I was wearing. I laughed out loud at her lame jab.

"Oh please, at least I'm not some fake anorexic Barbie." I retorted shortly. I got some pleasure out of the low comment when I saw her smile falter.

"Ouch, that wasn't very nice to say." a new voice suddenly chimed. I swooned inwardly at the rich accent that was obviously from the North-East England region, before remembering why it had interrupted me.

"Excuse you-" I spun around and I was greeted by an absolutely breath-taking human being. A male human being to be more precise. His deep blue eyes are what caught my attention first, before I took in his flawless brown mop of hair that was mostly hidden by a gray beanie.

"Yes?" he asked, not amused in the slightest. When I still failed to come up with some material to reply with, Holly started her fake-crying routine. The mystery boy eyed me angrily and completely told me off. "See, now you've made this beautiful girl cry! You don't know her life, maybe she's been going through a hard time! You should think before you say something that could change someone's life fore the worst!" He then proceeded to drape his arm around Holly and comforted her. "Don't worry love, let's go to class and forget about that bitch." I heard her exaggerate her sniffle and agree in a shy voice as I just stood there stupidly, frozen. I had never had this happen to me, much to my annoyance. Before the two of them were out of my sight, Holly tilted her head to face me and smirked victoriously. I snapped myself out of it and flipped her off, whirling around in anger. I was fuming! Did he not see how she had bullied that girl just mere seconds before I made a half-assed insult back? It wasn't even one of my better comebacks! I was only standing up for the poor sophomore! By now, people were staring at me as I pushed through the crowds. If I weren't so mad, I probably would've been more embarrassed. But those two just made a huge mistake. They humiliated the wrong person.

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