Chapter 6.

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Harry's POV

"Lou, I think you need to calm down. You really didn't hear the whole conversation." I say, in an attempt to get Louis to stop pacing angrily. The "queens", as Laura and her friends call them, obviously sense he's going to blow sooner rather than later and make a move to leave.

"Thanks for looking after Holly, Lou, but we'll take her home now," Jenna states in a cold, commanding tone. Louis at her, and I can see his inner conflict struggling to fit the pieces together.

"Sure thing, Jenny," he replies, equally as cool and I have to cover my mouth with my hand to keep me from laughing. Sassy Louis has made an appearance. Jenna, however, is not amused.

"Let's go ladies," she flicks her hair rudely, whipping it against Louis's face, who has had it.

"What is wrong with you?" he bellows. "I just defended your best friend and you're treating me like shit." I brace myself for what's to come.

"Look around Louis. You're so blinded by whatever your problem is, that you blocked out everything in an attempt to make peace with yourself. You were just a strategic move to make for us to make a jab at Anastasia.You really didn't hear the whole conversation. Not a single one of them" Jenna shot at him, and I was astounded at how accurate she actually was. "I have to give you props, I haven't seen Anna cry in public since Jake." she smirks in conclusion, to chip away at him one last time before strutting out of Nando's, Holly and Caitlyn smugly following her.

"I can't believe those bitches." Laura mutters bitterly. "I always knew they wanted to take her down, but bringing up Jake is so low." I squeeze her shoulders to try and comfort her, being able to relate to the feeling of guilt that a friend feels after something horrible happens to them and you couldn't stop it.

"Laura, who's Jake?" Louis asks, fear laced in his voice. I knew he was afraid he had done something unspeakable to Anna, which must've only been confirmed when she shook her head.

"It's not my place to tell you, sorry." she says. I see Louis grip his hair in his hands tightly, pulling at it in frustration.

"Guys, did I do something stupid?" he asks in a quiet voice.

"You didn't hear the whole conversation, Anna will understand," Niall tries to make him feel better, but it only results in Louis storming off.

"Lou!" Zayn calls after him, but I stop him.

"Let him go Zayn, he's just trying to sort everything out." I tell him softly, watching as Louis exits and drives off in his car. "Kai, can you drive Niall and Zayn to their flats? I'm hoping Laura will still want to hang out with me." I confess shyly, and despite everything, Kai smiles warmly and nods.

"Of course I can! I'll borrow Laur's car." with that, they leave and it's just me and her.

"I hope you actually still do wanna hang out," I scratch the back of my head awkwardly, feeling like a doofus, "Or else this will be extremely embarrassing." She smiles reassuringly at me.

"I do, don't worry!" and I take her hand to bring her to my Range Rover.

Half an hour later, I bring her a cup of hot tea to the sofa, where she lies under the blanket, trying to warm up. Turns out it started raining and we had to run across the street to be greeted by an ice-cold flat. Louis had turned off the heat before we left.

"Sorry again about the cold." I apologize sheepishly.

"It's okay, I don't mind. This blanket is actually really warm!" she laughs in that beautiful laugh she has.

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