Chapter 12.

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Warning: Sexual content in this chapter!!

Kai's POV

I could not let Niall get away with just a kiss. Ever since last night, I've been uncharacteristically staring at my phone, debating whether or not to pick it up and dial him. Anna was sitting next to me, silently for support, giving me looks. I took a deep breath and knew I had to live up to my sassy nature. I snatched the phone quickly, before I could change my mind. Entering his number, I held my breath and Anna put it on speaker, chuckling softly. For a few minutes, the loud ringing echoed through the large room. All too soon, Niall answered,

"Hey Kai!" his smooth accent immediately turned my insides into juice, and I fumbled for words.

"Oh hey Niall!" I rushed the words, sounding overexcited. Hearing him laugh helped relax my nerves,

"What's up?" he inquired, amused. I gained a surplus of confidence from making him laugh, so the next words came easily to me.

"How the fuck could you just kiss me and then run away?" I demanded. "Leaving me there speechless to try and decipher what the hell it meant! You put me through a lot of damn stress!" I wanted to continue ranting and calling him out on his bullshit, but he interrupted.

"Isn't it obvious?" he laughed in a playful condescending way. "I like you."

I think my heart literally stopped beating, but he started talking again before I could tell Anna to call an ambulance.

"In fact, I wanted to do more, but time was limited, and you were in a car. I don't think I'm that flexible." he admits, making Anna suddenly cough and choke on her laughter.

"Who was that?" Niall demanded, and I detected a hint of nervousness.

"Oh that? That was my bitch- I mean dog." I quickly cover up, grinning at Anna when she gave me a glare.

"Maybe you should bring your dog to the vet." he suggested, not convinced, but thankfully he changed the subject.

"Anyways," he continued. "I'm alone in my flat. Zayn shouldn't be home for another two hours or so. Why don't you come over now?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Oh, now?" I pretended to think. "Yeah, I think I'm free."

"Okay, great, see you soon." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"See you," I agreed, and hung up.

The seconds afterwards were silent, but filled with Anna giving me meaningful looks. She stood up sudden;y, brushing herself off and declaring,

"Well, I'm going to go back to Louis' to check on Liam, but you can go over to Niall's and fuck him." she was out the door before I had time to grab a pillow and chuck it at her.

I took a few deeps breaths, and headed out.

This should be interesting.

Anna's POV

I'm pretty sure I wore a cocky smile on my face the entire drive home. Louis had let me borrow his Porsche, reluctantly, since Zayn was picking him up to go wherever the hell those boys go. Press conference or something, I think.

The second I opened the door, I swore I heard something. A sound very faint, but it was a sound nonetheless.

I closed the door quietly, straining my ears to hear better.

The sounds were hushed sobs.

I immediately headed for Liam's room, scared out of my mind. I knocked on the door, hearing him trying to pull it together.

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