Chapter 2: Smirks and signs

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"Who is that?" I constantly wondered
in my head, looking back and fourth at him and his drawing during our lesson. I hear a loud bell ring and some giggling girls, don't ask me how I know, they sound like assholes. Typical movie fucking bullies. I rub my eyes and silently groan, I get up and walk out while quietly yawning, hopefully nobody bothers me today, I'm not in the mood to even use my voice today.

I mindlessly grab some food, that looks like brown porridge, but apparently it's meat. "Delicious" I mumble to myself but the lady serving me took it seriously, glaring at me. Wow, I'm quite a fuck up today, more than others. I turn to go to my seat I always sit in, and I see that odd boy In it.
The fuck? I'm tired as hell, but I won't take any shit. I walk over to this man,
And I sit on the other side of the table. I can actually see his face.
His eyelashes seem to be long, his eyeliner is smudged, his hair looks oily as hell, but he still looks.. Cute. I clear my throat loudly and obnoxiously, to get this young man to snap out of the space he's in.

He gets startled a bit, and looks up at me with a glare. Is that.. Gerard? Oh, shit. I thought he was just one of those quiet kids in the back of the school. But, oh, look, it's the leader of the jocks. Looks like I'm getting my face torn today. I enjoy the pain sometimes, but I'm not in the mood for it today. I rub my eyes, and notice a piece of paper. A note.. huh?

I open it up, and in clear writing, it says..

"MeEt me aT lockerS after cLass"

Some capital letters, eh? I tend to do that also. Though, I'm probably gonna get my face beaten in, I'll have to see what happens next. The bell knocks me out of my zoning out, and into the real world. I pick up my backpack and walk out of class, straight to the lockers. I see the same young man, Gerard, walk up to me. I clench my teeth and prepare for a knock in the jaw. And guess what? That's exactly what I got. I guess I literally can't look at someone the wrong way unless I want to be half-dead for a few hours. I hold my jaw in pain, and he grabs my wrists and pulls them above me, in a rather sexual way, his face is inches away from mine, and he smirks. I try to turn away from the light pink that my cheeks have turned, but it doesn't work. "Oh, look! He's gay too." He yells so basically everyone hears. Well, that's been a secret for awhile, but, I hope people don't *actually* think that. That'll definetly ruin my reputation.. like I have a good one. I mean, this dude has been on the news. Like a standard bully isn't bad enough. He looks at my eyes, and my lips. He leans in and I feel the warmth of his body. I go to kiss him, and- I feel a warm, sludgy.. thing, on my the tip of my nose, running down my upper lip.. he spit in my face. How retarded can I be? I run out, or, atleast, try to run, but this guy with a big forehead blocks the door. Fuck.

HEYOOOO! Thank you for getting this far! I appreciate it! I know everyone says this, but; PLEASE COMMENT OR VOTE IF YOU LIKED THIS! It gives me more inspiration to write! Thank you!
Cya next time!

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