Chapter Sixteen-A Trail of Dusty Breadcrumbs

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Picture of Jonathon Grey on the side



Chapter Sixteen- A Trail of Dusty Breadcrumbs.

"I know who it is."

My eyes were basically burning holes into the side of his face and I could feel that Parker was doing the same to me "Who is it?" I heard Parker's voice but for some reason it didn't register and I kept quiet.

My gaze was focused on the mystery man. The way his brown hair flicked up at the side. That's when his eyes locked with mine, further confirming who he was. The look on his face was smugness and a slight hint of panic, but the smugness was definitely over powering any weaker emotions. I took a step forward and Parker's hands fell from my waist but before I could get close enough, he gave me a look, then whispered something to Allison and spun on his heels and headed for the door.

No way in hell was I letting him leave; I pushed through the swarms of people as I tried to get to him "Colson!" I heard Parker call after me but I didn't care. I bumped into people and almost fell over my heels twice, but I managed to get to the door in one piece. I saw the back of his head towards the open double doors and I almost sprinted to get to him. He headed into the huge courtyard and for a moment I couldn't see where he was but my eyes soon fixated on a shape in the distance.

"Wait!" I yelled into the distance and what surprised me more than anything is the fact that he actually stopped. I felt my heart beat quicken and I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest at any moment.

I basically ran towards him and he stayed completely still, his back facing me. I almost couldn't bring myself to do it, but I grasped his shoulder and slowly he turned around to face me. His mask was still on his face, I raised a hand towards it and he didn't flinch and as quickly as I could I pulled the string letting his mask fall to the ground with no sound. I let out a gasp when I saw his face and every emotion you can think of ran through me, my blood ran cold and it felt like it had stopped pumping through, I was frozen.

"Nate?" I uttered in disbelief.

"Nate?" I heard Parker's voice and even though I couldn't see him I knew he was tense. Parker's voice was not enough to snap me out of this trance like it usually was; I stayed glued to the spot and for a moment I couldn't believe that it was Nate.

"Jake." Nate greeted and I felt that Parker was now at my side, but I was still utterly speechless.

My suspicions were confirmed when I felt how tense Parker was "What are you doing here?"

"I was invited." He looked at me when he answered, I really didn't know how to feel.

That's when something inside me woke up and decided being silent at this moment was probably not the best way to get answers "A cardiac surgeon in Washington was invited to a masquerade ball in Seattle?" I asked a little skeptically. I guess it is possible for him to be here, as far as I know he is kind of a big deal in his field and the little I know about Jonathon Grey, he also seems kind of a big deal in whatever he specializes in.

"Yes." He nodded and a smirk grew on his lips.

I took a step towards Nate "how do you know Allison Grey?" I asked, glancing up at him, trying to read his expressions, he wasn't letting anything go and his facade was up and blocking me out.

"Who?" he asked, looking a little confused.

I furrowed my eyebrows "The women you were speaking to inside." I gestured back towards the huge double doors where we had been just moments earlier.

Colson (Book is completed just currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now