Chapter Twenty Two-The Truth isn't Always the Best

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Chapter Twenty Two-The Truth isn't Always the Best.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" my voice bounced off the walls and echoed right back at me. I gained every ones gaze' in the room and it just made me feel worse, like I was being ambushed.

"Alex I'm sorry I didn-" Melissa took a step forward and I simultaneously took one back. Deep down I knew this wasn't her fault, but at the same time I was too busy seeing red to care about anyone right now.

I felt Parker's gaze on me and I didn't know what to do, so I turned to him and by the look on his face, he picked up on my very unhappy expression "Colson?" he took a step forward and I didn't move, my whole body was frozen.

"Please Alexis come and sit, we have plans to discuss." Parker's mother beamed which didn't register with me, I was still in shock.

I stood there with my mouth agape and when I finally did try to speak nothing came out. Parker obviously didn't have the same problem as I did because when he spoke his voice boomed across the awkward silence that had blanketed the room "What's going on?"

That's when it occurred to me that he might not know who they are. I always just assumed he would have seen a picture of them in once of Tyler's files, but I guess that wasn't the case. I grasped Parker's forearm and he turned his whole body was no facing me now "They're my parents." When the words finally left my mouth they came out croaky but I didn't care.

As soon as those words left my mouth Parker tensed up and I could see his emotionless demeanor was fading and anger was taking over "These are the people who abandoned you." His sentence came out as more of a statement than a question because he already knew the answer to it.

His eyes snapped from my parents towards his own mother and she just had this almost fake innocent look on her face which only made me despise the woman more than I already did.

"I can't be here." I put up my hands and as I turned, Parker's mother decided now was the best time to test my patience.

I couldn't see her, but I heard the shuffling of a chair so I assumed she had stood up "Alexis!" she barked and the only reason I stopped was out of shock and anger. She called me as if I was a small child she had the right to punish and that didn't sit well with me "Sit down We have to discuss the wedding and I have invited your parents."

As I turned to face her my blood had begun to boil, and I was so close to snapping I started to see more and more red "We are not discussing anything with those people!" my voice was laced with venom which earned me a few glares from my parents. You would think they would feel bad for abandoning me, but they just seemed pissed off that I hadn't welcomed them with open arms.

Emily looked a little taken aback, but continued anyway "Please they are your parents so act civilized towards them."

I was done with her "I am really losing my patience with you lady." I bit through clenched teeth and I swear she basically snarled.

"Watch your tone with me; I am your future mother in law."

"You're not my future anything!". I snapped and when the words fell from my mouth, I was too caught up in the moment to shut up "I am not engaged to Parker, we lied because you can't just be happy with him being an FBI agent. Why on earth would him marrying someone you just met make you happier than your son saving lives?"

I instantly felt bad for letting our secret slip, but once my eyes fell onto Parker, that guilt vanished with just the smile he had on his lips. He took a step towards me and a huge wave of relief washed over me. That was until Emily spoke, "I'm sorry, what?" I could basically see the fumes radiant off her, but I didn't care, I had so much on my plate I didn't need this too.

Colson (Book is completed just currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now