Chapter Twenty One- Tension.

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Chapter Twenty One-Tension.

His eyes widened and I could tell he instantly recognized the tattoo from Tyler's autopsy photo just as I had. I really had no idea what this meant, but it was something we didn't have before, so I am putting it in the 'good' pile, well at least for now anyway.

"Come one lets go." Parker grasped the photo tightly before placing it into his pocket. As we left the warehouse once again. For a moment I thought I heard rustling, but I ignored it, considering we had more important things to deal with right now.

As we both got into the car Allison was silent in the back seat, her sobs had subsided for now and she was mindlessly staring out the window. Something was on her mind and by the look on her face that is the only thing she could think about. I knew that expression far too well, the feeling you get when one thought overcrowds the rest, that feeling is what took over my mind when Tyler died and to be honest that feeling had returned as soon as Parker had kissed me.

The car ride back to the bureau was deafeningly quiet. I read somewhere once that being stuck in a quiet place for a long period of time can drive you insane and even though the drive was only about twenty minutes, I now considered that fact to be true. As we got out of the car and Parker had gripped Allison's arm, we were still in silence and I was more than happy when we entered the building to hear the busyness of other agents around us. Parker didn't seem to notice this too much, his mind wasn't focused on anything in particular but mine were focused on him. Before I knew it Parker had placed Allison in the interrogation room, and had left her in there to 'sweat' as other agents including Parker called it.

"How long are you going to leave her in there?" I asked, trying to avoid eye contact but I honestly didn't think it mattered too much with the current emotionless look that covered his face.

He didn't answer straight away, but I could tell he had heard me "She's not as tough as she thinks she is, it won't take long." His words were directed at me, but his eyes were glued to the one sided mirror that looked into the interrogation room where Allison was currently sitting. I turned to look at the once composed girl in front of me to see she was now a total mess, her hair was pulled into a messy bun and what was left of her makeup was smeared around her eyes, not to mention the clothing she was wearing were worn out and torn in certain places.

I wanted so badly for him to bring up the kiss, but I knew that wasn't going to happen until we were properly alone and far away from the bureau. I had to focus on the case, which was the main reason I had come to Washington in the first place and that was the reason I stayed. I needed closure not only for me, but for Tyler. I looked up at the pale colored clock that took residence in the corner of this small room and noticed that it had been over an hour since we had brought Allison in and I could not believe we had been sitting here in silence for that long. I was sat at a table that was pressed against the far north wall and Parker had his arms crossed across his broad chest leaning against a wall staring at the floor.

Suddenly Parker's eyes shot up and met mine, his eyes held so much and so little all at once. I was usually good at reading people, but when it came to him I always came up blank "I think she has waited long enough." He uttered and I could only bring myself to nod.

I pushed myself off of the cold metal table and followed him as he walked out of this room and into the interrogation room where Allison was silently panicking. As soon as we walk through the door her eyes snap towards us and she had the clear look of panic on her face.

"Allison. I think it's time you give us some straight answers." Parker didn't take the seat across from Allison but rather just leant against one of the walls with his arms crossed across his chest. I however thought it might be a little less intimidating for her if I sit.

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