☆|forward, or an attempt at it

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*crawls out of grave*

Hey! It's me again. Those of you who remember me from Tame & Bear might be surprised that I'm actually here right now. The past couple of years have been a series of publishing and unpublishing stories that everybody was scared to read anything new I update because I was most likely going to take it down. :D

Have no fear. This story is already a complete draft. ;)

So, this is a book I wrote a while ago when I was at the peak of my depression. It's not particularly a Muslim book as much as it is spiritual in general. I was afraid to upload it at first - even to the extent of creating a new account and publishing it there - because I didn't want to be judged by those who already knew me, but I'm not scared anymore. I write because I love to, not to get reads and votes. (not that I have anything against readers. Keep going strong, buddies. You're the best!♡)

Just a heads up before you go! If you came here expecting to read a cheerful book about two people who hate each other only to fall in love when they are arranged to get married, this is not what you are going to get. I'm sorry it disappointed you in any way.

However, if you are still willing to proceed, bear in mind that this story deals with a lot of issues regarding mental illnesses and how they affect people's everyday lives. It might not be fun to read, but I can guarantee it'll make you cry quite a few times.

*hands over tissues*

I really hope you enjoy reading this. It's crap, but I love it. :)

- areej

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