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"Hey, Natalie."

A voice called from far away. She ignored it, because she had constantly been imagining voices talking to her.


The voice sounded again. She groaned in response, and rolled over to the opposite side of the bed. Back at the small part of her mind that was still functioning, she registered a heavy squeak of the mattress not too far away from her. All of a sudden, a soft pair of lips brushed the tip of her nose.

But it didn't stop at that. They were everywhere, running down her jaw and to her chin. Charles's hair tickled her face as he buried his face in the crook of her neck, dropping gentle ghosts of kisses that did nothing to put out the fire that ignited within her.

Her eyes shot open and she writhed, only to find him pulling away. She sat up and saw his figure looming over her. The sunlight seeped into the room and highlighted the outline of his head. For the first time then, she realised his hair was actually brown, and not black like she had initially assumed.

"You did that on purpose," She gruffed and narrowed her eyes at him. A crooked smile worked its way to his face.

"I knew it would be the only way you'll wake up," He said in a voice that dripped of pride and accomplishment.

"Did it never occur to you that I don't want to wake up?" She huffed and pushed the covers to the side, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"It did, but considering the fact that it's two in the afternoon, I thought you should wake up before your body begins to decompose," He replied as if he had to do it every day.

He took a seat on tbe edge of the bed and offered a hand to her. She took it, only because she knew if she didn't, she would never get out of bed. Getting out of bed every single day was always the hardest thing to do.

It didn't make her feel better, though, because it made her realise that she actually did need him. Maybe he was her solace, after every other medication failed to improve her condition. But she didn't like it, not one bit. She didn't want her stability to be within the hold of a person, because people did nothing better than to hurt each other. She was well aware that Charles was going to hurt her someday: she wasn't sure when, but it didn't stop the dread from clawing its way up to her, pulling her back down to the deepest pit of depression.

There had only been one person that she once believed was her rescue. That person was Lilliane. Lilliane was sweet and bright and understanding and patient. She encouraged her and constantly reminded her of her own worth - one that she had forgotten on many several occasions -. She had helped her a lot in her time of need, but she also left just as quickly, when she had needed her the most.

I will never leave you, no matter how many times you push me away or think that you're better off without me, Lilliane had told her so many times that the words were engraved in her memory. But looking back, the repitition now seemed to be a way more to convince Lilliane than to convince her.

Everyone had a limit to their patience, and Lilliane's reached its peak on their sophomore year of college. She couldn't take it anymore, she was exhausted. Natalie couldn't really blame her. She had withstood so much when other people had let her down, but she didn't forget that Lilliane was just as fucked up as she was, only her situation was different.

Everyone was fucked up in their own way. She was, Lilliane was, Charles was.

After taking a quick shower, she put on a loose tanktop and sweatpants before heading out to the kitchen. Her stomach had been grumbling ever since she woke up and she couldn't take it anymore. She opened the fridge and pulled out a jar of jam and stale bread.

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