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"I heard Malcolm has an extremely well-built body," Aimee, a classmate of Natalie, said one time in class when they had a free period.

Natalie's head snapped to the side and she stared directly her way. Aimee was a dark-haired, grey-eyed beauty. She was one of those girls who didn't have to be bitch to be popular. Her charisma and sweetness in general were very catchy traits to find in a person these days. She had many friends but none of them was really that much of a friend. She never entrusted anyone with her secrets.

"Really?" Sally Portman, a girl with golden blond hair and pale green eyes wondered while chewing on her gum. "Who did you hear it from?"

Aimee leant across her desk to the one behind her, where Sally sat. Natalie was on her usual seat on the second row next to the window, so she got a very good view of what they did and access to what they said. "Becky Hale," Aimee whispered. "She says she slept with him on Friday night after the party."

"That bitch!" All heads snapped away from the couple after they had been eavesdropping. Anger was evident in Sally's emerald green eyes as she spoke. "She's going to pay. She knows very well that he's mine."

"Wow!" A deep voice called from behind her. She turned back and came face to face with Clyde, the only boy who was keeping her company at school this sophomore year. "Those girls sure know how to turn a normal school day into a Kardashian spin-off series."

Natalie snorted and accepted the gum he handed her, throwing it into her mouth. "It's actually kind of interesting to watch them, though, especially when there's so little happening in my life right now."

"You still haven't told him?" Clyde asked. Natalie's eyes narrowed and she slapped his forearm.

"Keep it down, you dickhead," She hissed. "It's supposed to be a secret."

"But Natalie," He whispered back, leaning over the desk so she could hear him better. "I heard from my brother that he was seeing someone. You need to tell him soon before it's too late and you regret it forever."

She frowned. Clyde was right, but she just wasn't ready yet to make that confrontation. She had only minimal communication with Charles now that he had graduated and was on his pre-medical track. He only called on national holidays to check up on her, but as small as that gesture was, it only made her heart swell and her mind get more attached to the boy who considered her only a friend.

"But what of he rejects me?" She asked. It was the inevitable possibility. She didn't know what to expect from him, but it didn't really matter. She needed to get out and over with once and for all.

"I'm sure it'll be better than living your whole life hanging on a thread of illusions while he lives on and gets married and has children," Clyde said, then shrugged, a whimsical look in his eyes. "Or eventually comes out of the closet."

"Fuck you," She swore and slapped his arm again, but didn't help the grin that paved its way onto her face.

She needed to do it soon: the sooner the better. She just hoped she wouldn't regret that decision one day.

The earphones plugged to her phone, and her phone tucked into the pocket of her running shorts, Natalie stormed off into a sprint.

It was a cold day, but the light of the sun rays still shone through the thick layer of clouds coating the town. A slight amount of fog blocked her view across the sidewalk, but it didn't make her completely lose her sense of direction.

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