Part of Me -- Jasper Hale -- 6

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Well Emmett had done it. Grossly enough. 

“I think I’m blind now. And deaf. And I think I never want to be near Emmett,” Rosalie chuckled. 

“Aw come on, babe, you can’t resist me,” Emmett said giving her a swift kiss on the cheek.

“Well you didn’t have to feel their emotions. It was a mix of horror and lust,” Jasper grimaced. 

I laughed, “So you liked it?” 

Jasper glared at me and sarcastically replied, “Who doesn’t watch a teacher and their vampire student of the same genders get... some.”

I laughed again, “Jasper, maybe you should have tried not to focus so hard.”

“First of all, feeling emotions doesn’t require any focus. Secondly, you forced me to be there!”

“Told you!” Emmett said to Rosalie.

“What?” I asked distracted by his outburst.

“Jasper is the only person that hasn’t lost an argument with you yet,” Rosalie grinned. 

I raised my eyebrows, “So?”

“You’ve beaten Edward and Carlisle - you must be losing your touch,” Emmett smirked.

“I haven’t argued with Jasper!” I fumed. 

“So what was that?” Rosalie asked. 


“About one minute ago?” Emmett grinned. 

“I was taunting him,” I said.

“You want to start a fight,” Jasper asked catching me by surprise when he held me upside down by my ankle. 

Upside down, I pretending to think, “Only if you want to end up like Emmett.”

“You think I’ll lose,” He acted offended. 

“I never said that, it could end in a draw,” I shrugged still being held by my ankle. 

“Challenge accepted. So if I win...”

“Let me decide!” Emmett squealed like a twelve year-old girl. 

“Why?” Jasper asked. 

“Because Rosalie and I have really good suggestions!” 

“Really?” I asked. 

“Rosalie you’re emotions are very devious right now,” Jasper noted cautiously. 

Rosalie laughed, “Come on, it won’t be ridiculously bad.”

“Fine, but Jasper can you let go of my ankle?”

“Sure,” He smirked and dropped me. 

My eyes widen when I realized I was going to hit the ground so I flipped up quickly. It must have looked kind of cool. 

“Show off,” Emmett muttered smirking. 

“So what are your guys’ ‘brilliant’ suggestions?” I prompted. 

“Well if Jasper wins... you have to kiss Carlisle,” Emmett smirked. 

“And if Catherine wins?” Jasper asked. 

It was Rosalie’s turn to smirk, “If Catherine wins, Jasper has to kiss her.” 

I felt instantly colder, nervous that these were the stakes. Jasper and I shared a glance both of us rigid. 

After a moment of silence, and smirks from Emmett and Rosalie, Jasper asked, “Ready to lose?” 

“I know you are,” I told him. 

Jasper and I both got into fighting stances. For a nervous moment, we just watched each other. 

“Fight already!” Emmett called. 

Jasper dashed towards me and I jumped avoiding his his grasp by just an inch. I smirked and it must have looked like we were dancing. He kept trying to grasp me, but I was twisting, ducking, and turning to avoid him. 

Sometimes I was running, but the whole time I was just escaping his grasp while Emmett and Rosalie cheered. Emmett was trying to help Jasper cheat too. 

I eventually ended up ducking sending Jasper into Emmett with finally shut Emmett up. Rosalie was laughing and I would have too if I didn’t need to focus. I really didn’t want to kiss Carlisle - he was my brother. Jasper was my friend, kissing him wouldn’t be that bad. He was handsome and fun and smart: all pluses. 

I giggled waiting for him to attack me again. Jasper began chasing me - we were in the backyard of the house - where I had beaten Emmett - and there were some trees. Of course, it would be predictable if I did what I did last time and climb the tree. 

This time I abruptly stopped and stopped Jasper from falling into the tree. Then, against his efforts to stop me, I pinned him to the ground by sitting on him. “I win!” 

Jasper squirmed under me, “That’s awesome can you move off of me now?”

“Only if you ask nicely,” I taunted. 

“Catherine, will you oh so kindly get off me?” Jasper asked. 

“Well... since you asked nicely,” I smiled getting up. 

I started walking towards the house with Rosalie and Jasper before Emmett asked, “Aren’t two somebodies forgetting something?” 

Jasper and I shared another nervous glance. His golden orbs met mine, I wasn’t an empath, but I could sense that he was nervous too. Better than him than Carlisle, I reminded myself. 

“Now?” I asked. “Today? Of this year?” 

Rosalie rolled her eyes, “Yes Catherine. This year, this date, this place, and now.”

“Alright...” I said. 

I walked in front of Jasper and looked up at him. He was less nervous than before, but I could tell this dare made him uncomfortable. Kissing one of your closest friends, who wouldn’t be? Secretly, I was kind of happy - Jasper was amazing and if I could dream it might be of kissing him. Stop! He’s your best friend. And Edward can hear you. 

I was kind of short so I had to stand of my tippy toes and Jasper was bent down slightly. We leaned towards each other until our lips met.

I heard Emmett making sex jokes now and I heard Rosalie saying how cute this was. 

Jasper was giving off the sense of calmness to me. Sure being near him had an effect. Sure touching him made the effect of the emotions he gave off stronger, but kissing him made the emotions the strongest. 

We pulled away about a minute later with wide eyes. Some had yelled, “Catherine?!”

It was a man’s voice. Also, it was a voice that I feared. My old mate, Adam, was back and he had just seen me kissing Jasper. A sweet moment was now ruined by a horrible memory. 

ADAM: Avan Jogia

Part of Me -- Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now