Part of Me -- Jasper Hale -- 2

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After two extremely long flights the Cullens finally ended up in Rochester. It was late when they had got there. Emmett and Rosalie drove the mutts to the separate house not to far from the Cullen’s new home. Carlisle drove everyone to the new house. 

Renesmee had fallen asleep on the way there so Edward had to carry her inside the massive house. The house was four stories tall. It had plum siding on it with a wooden porch wrapped around the first level. The shutters to the windows were a velvety red. 

The highest level was filled with the boxed up decorations, and had a library that the Cullens occasionally used. The third and second level had bedrooms, an office, and bathrooms and the lowest level had a kitchen and living room. The Cullens had this house before Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Bella, or Renesmee came along. 

After much unpacking the Cullens were in the living room talking. They all knew about Alice’s decision now. 

Catherine’s P.O.V.

My story is very different from my brother’s. I haven’t seen him in ages nor do I plan to. He and I chose separate paths. In some ways I am happy that I didn’t join him, but there are times that will regret not following him. Today, commemorated my four-hundredth year as a vampire. I had been turned at a young age - I had just turned seventeen the night it happened. 

“Where is he?!” I hissed a few nights after the failure of a mob attack. 

“Catherine, he could be any where. So many of the members involved in the attack have gone missing,” My uncle told me. 

“My father dies and put my brother in charge,” I hissed. “He never wanted the job, I knew he wouldn’t make it a day!”

“My brother wanted the best for you and your brother.”

“Well I make the better leader,” I spat. “Sure he’s older, but he’d make a nicer physician. He’s not meant to fight. Do you know how many bodies have been disposed of since the attack?!”

“Roughly, twenty, but-”

“No. Gather some weapons. I’m leading a new mob tonight,” I hissed. 

“A woman has never-”

“Good there’ll be something to make a book. Now gather some weapons, I’m getting the some of the commoners.” 

It took about three hours to gather a decent amount of people for a mob. A good lot of the towns folk were frightened from my brother’s failure or didn’t trust me because I was a woman. When it got dark I have the men with pitch forks and the ladies with torches. We set off into the dark night and prepared for what was a tough fight. 

From a sewer some of the bandits emerged. The rat like vampires - weak and there eyes were black as pitch. The men went after them and some were killed. When I could see the majority of the mob was tired out I order for us to go back. 

It was then, that I realized we should have done a more through search to make sure we had burned all the corpses. I was in the back of the group making sure everyone cleared the area. Before I could scream, the figure that grabbed me clamped a cold, dirty hand over my mouth and bit my neck savagely. 

I dropped to the ground in too much pain to even scream. I crawled and hid under a bail of hay in the alley way - knowing no one would go there. I writhed in pain not knowing what was happening to me. All I knew was that I was burning and probably going to be dead.

For about three hundred years, I spent my new life with the Volturi. About fifty of those years my brother had joined me. Immortality suited him well now that he was actually doing something that fit his personality. 

In those three centuries spent with the Volturi I learned their tactics, how they think, and how their whole vampire system works. 

It was 1905, when I decided to move to America. I made my home New York where I gave myself one of the most important jobs - a lawyer to protect innocent vampires from the Volturi.

My thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” I sighed sitting on the leather chair in my office. A familiar pest of a client entered. Maria. She always seemed to get herself in a lot of trouble and always came to me. “What’s the damage this time?” 

The tiny vampire explained how her army and another had gotten into a fight during the day and a few vampires had been spotted by humans and she was afraid that the Volturi would receive news of this.

“Listen, it’s your army, if you can’t control them then crunch the numbers. A lot of highly trained vampires are better than hundreds of unexperienced ones. Or just try getting a second in command.”

“I prefer to work alone,” She said unhappy with my response. 

“Look I’m not a mental doctor. If I was I wouldn’t be a lawyer. If your scared your story will make news just go kill the humans that get in your way. If you go kill a whole city though that is your funeral,” I shrugged. 

She left and I could tell she wasn’t to happy with me. She didn’t really give me a good feeling either; I had to be this way with clients or else they would walk all over me and I would end up being used for bad - completely defeating my purpose. 

There was another knock on the door. This was an unfamiliar scent, or maybe I hadn’t been around it in awhile. It was hard to tell. “Come in!”

The door opened and quickly shut and I saw the familiar face enter my office, my brother, Carlisle Cullen, “Hello, Catherine.”

“What brings you here, Carlisle?” I questioned. “You don’t seem like you would be needing help from me.”

Carlisle chuckled, “Actually, my family and I have just moved here from Washington.”

“Oh,” I said. It took a few seconds to process what he was saying. I was so used to staying here - away from humans - by myself. Every few days, I would have to deal with clients, and this had been my life for about a hundred years.

“We were wondering if you would be able to take some time off of work to live with my family,” He suggested. “Nothing permanent, but you’ve been working for a century without break.”

“I’ll consider it,” I told him. 

He nodded before leaving me alone. Maybe a break would do me some good.

CATHERINE: Lindsey Stirling 

Part of Me -- Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now