Part of Me -- Jasper Hale -- 8

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“Adam?” Carlisle asked after we explained everything to him. “From Volterra?”

I nodded sadly, “He’s back and now Jasper and I are going fake date.” 

“The Volturi still won’t do anything about him?” 

I shook my head, “He’s been talking to Maria too.” 

“What does that mean?” Esme asked. 

“The last time I talked to Maria she was scared that the Volturi would catch her-”

“Maria would convince Adam to form an alliance with her,” Jasper suggested. 

“Adam has always wanted to have more power. Maria would give that to him, so I think it could be a mutual alliance,” I explained. 

“Guys, Alice, said that she saw the Volturi decided on coming here,” Rosalie said coming downstairs. 

“Why? When?” Jasper asked tensing up. 

I put a calming hand on his shoulder, but I wasn’t exactly sure why I did that. 

“She wasn’t sure, but she told me that she’ll be here as soon as she can,” She answered. 

“What can we do now?” Emmett asked. 

“We can only wait,” Edward answered. 

Alice’s P.O.V.

“Is this so?” Aro asked looking at a very unfamiliar face. 

He was talking to a vampire with red irises, short brown hair, and was fairly tall and mean looking. “Yes. They need to be destroyed for allowing such a monster to exist.”

“What roll do they play in this?” 

“The Cullens,” The boy hissed. “Have fostered her behavior. Some lawyer.” 

“Have you seen Catherine?” 

“Actually I’ve dragged her here with me, but I had to drug her,” The boy said walking towards Carlisle’s sister’s limp body. He talked some more trying to prove his point. 

“I see.” Aro nodded.

“We must stop them,” Marcus said.

“We must go soon,” Caius agreed. 

“Jane, dear,” Aro called. 

The petite, brunette vampire approached him, “Yes, master?”

“Send a message to my friend, Carlisle, tell him to be expecting a visit.” 

Jane nodded, “Yes, master.”

“Alice?” I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

I looked up to see Gale’s concerned face looking at me, “I’m fine, Gale.”

“It will take me awhile to get use to your visions,” He sighed.

“That’s alright, we have to leave though,” I told him. 

“And go where?” He curiously asked. 

“To up-state New York.”

“Is that where your coven is?” He asked.

“Right now, yes,” I answered. 

“What did you see?”

“The Volturi are planning on visiting and I have to help clear up some things,” I explained. 

My cell phone buzzed in my pocket and Gale waited for me to do something. I picked up the phone, “Hello?”

“Alice, we’ve all missed you so much!” Rosalie breathed. 

“I’m missed you all too, Rosalie!”

“There was this weird guy here, but guess what happened?” She asked.

“Something between Jasper and Catherine?”

“Jasper challenged her to a fight and Emmett and I made the bets for them. Catherine ended up winning and they kissed! Now since the weird person will be in the area they are dating... but they claim it is ‘fake dating’,” She laughed. 

I joined her, “This weird guy, what does he look like?” 

“Did you have a vision?” She asked.

“Yes, it involved the Volturi.”

“Well this guy was about my height and had short dark hair, but I didn’t see the color of his eyes,” Rosalie explained. 

“Okay. I saw this guy go to the Volturi, something about Catherine. They will be coming soon, but I can’t really know what will happen. I’ll be coming to New York soon.”

“So did you find anyone interesting in Canada?” She asked. 

Gale chuckled and winked at me. 

I smiled at him, “Yes, I’ll introduce you to him in a few days, but I have to go.”

“Bye,” Rosalie said. 

I put my phone on the table. “I’m going to hunt,” He stood up. “I’ll be back in an hour,” He said giving me a quick peck on the lips. 

I met Gale in Ontario. He’s so adorable, and has only been a vampire for about ten years. His eyes are now an amber color that I’ve shown him that he can survive on animal blood. Although he is struggling slightly, I can see that he is trying his hardest.

He has shaggy black hair that occasionally covers his eyes and he’s about two feet taller than me. Also, he is always wearing a smile except for them times I blank out with a vision - then he is like a lost dog. I find it so adorable that I can’t really understand why. 

I first saw Gale in a mall near the airport. He introduced himself to me and now I’ve suggested for him to stay with me. I suppose we are considered mates. 

I wondered if Catherine found my note to her yet... from before they even moved in.

Catherine’s P.O.V.

After much discussion and arguing, I decided I needed to relax. I went up to my room and picked out a new book, the Hunger Games. All the other books, had some dust, but this one looked like someone had just been reading it.

As soon as I opened is a small sheet of paper can fluttering out:

Make him happy since I can’t. -Alice

I heard someone coming near my room, I stuffed the note in my back pocket just as Jasper entered the room. 

GALE: Ian Somerhalder

Part of Me -- Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now