Chapter 2

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3rd Person:

"Why is part of that picture torn off ?"

There will always be moments in your life were, despite your best intentions or how hard you try and keep it in, something inexplicably stupid will pass through your lips, even if you don't realize it. Unfortunately for everyone unlucky enough to be around Sakura Haruno {better known as: banshee, fan girl, annoying} her life was practically made up of these moments. Not that she knew, of course.

And then, if the tense and extremely awkward silence wasn't enough for this being, She just had to continue talking. Much to the disappointment of everyone.

"It looks like some else used to be there"

"he was my husband, Kaiza" Tsunami, daughter of the bridge builder, said in a brisk and pained voice; stopping Sakura from continuing her onslaught of obtuse questions. Silence pursued, and no one dared say a word as the three Ninja noticed her use of was. That was until the usually drunk old man, who seemed eerily sober at that moment in time, spoke out in a timid voice.

"He was a hero ..." Before being able to continue the sound of a chair scraping against the floor and small feet running quickly on hard wood interrupted him.

"You know not to talk about him around Inari." Tsunami chastised, staring at the spot her withdrawn son had abandoned. He let out a large sigh, before muttering out an 'I know.'

Kakashi, awkwardly glancing around the table, feeling a slight responsibility for the new atmosphere as the pink haired girl was his student and had caused this outburst.

"So...." He said, "Who is the other boy in the photo ?"  He'd taken it as a good time to change the conversation, and obviously his timing was impeccable as the father and daughters faces immediately lifted, relieving the grim expression that had previously settled on them.

"That's Ruto, trust me he is part of the family and a god send." Tazuna said, a proud smile adorning his face.

"Where is he" Sakura, the ever subtle one, said curiously.

"Travelling, i love the boy, but he never could sit still. I suppose he'll be back soon though it's coming up to his scheduled 3 month visit" He answered, stroking his beard in thought.

"You make it sound like he has been travelling for a while." Kakashi said

"He has, almost five years i believe. But he always comes to visit every three months, just so we know he is okay." Tsunami told the three curious shinobi, affection clear in her tone.

Tsunami rose from the table, bringing the conversation to an end as she collected the plates of her father and her guests. Leaving them to stare at the photo of white/blond haired boy holding Inari; and smiling one of the biggest smiles they'd ever seen.


One thing that made Kakashi the Copy Cat ninja so good at his job was his hearing, which had been increased not only through years of training but also his dog summons, so it was no surprise that the rustling from downstairs awoke him the next morning.

Grasping the crutches next to his bedside table, as his injuries from Zabuza had yet to fully heal, he hauled himself up. Although stiff from lack of movement, he forwent stretching as the sounds although quiet were still there and everyone's' chakra was was still in their room. Meaning this was an intruder.

With the masked nin still at large despite Zabuza's wounds, he couldn't afford to not be on guard.

Moving as quietly as a man on crutches could, Kakashi slowly made his way downstairs: pausing in the kitchen doorway from where the sounds had originated from. Taking in a deep breath, he opened the door and what greet him left the man extremely confused as to what action to take.

A tall boy, who look around 13 or 14: with whitish, tan skin and eyelashes even Sakura would be jealous of; sat on the kitchen table with his a cup of ramen in his hand and his eyes closed in what looked like bliss.

However despite the boys relaxed position, Kakashi swore he could of seen the him tense when he'd stepped foot into the room. There was also this odd sense of familiarity surrounding the boy who was still scarfing down Ramen like a starved man.

"Who are you?" He questioned, shoulders squared and ready to defend himself. Although it seem unnecessary when the boy only opened one cerulean eye to stare at the white haired man before going back to his food. "Hey! Don't just ignore me!" Kakashi shouted, perturbed by how uncaring this kid was with being caught.

"Ish ma Housh" The boy finally said, mouth filled with food causing Kakashi to have no idea what he'd said and cringe slightly in disgust. "so shut up" - Now that one he understood. The blond brat, as Kakashi now called him, looked rather annoyed at having his meal interrupted and huffed when he'd reached the end of his cup.

"I won't ask again what are you doing here" he questioned once more. Eyebrow twitching in unconcealed anger.

"I said 'It's my house'. The real question is, who are you?" the boy responded in a monotone voice, walking past him without even waiting for a reply.

"Nani !"

Sorry it's been a while but i've had exams. Also Ruto has met Kakashi, but that's not his normal personality as you'll see in chapter 3. He was just angry at being interrupted from his Ramen because there is no way i could make a story without him loving that food. Hope you enjoy and sorry for any errors !! :)

I'm debating wether to make Sasuke less, you know, vengeful in this but I can't really decide...

I do not own Naruto or its plot

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