Chapter 2.5

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Maybe it was destiny that the first people he'd come across would soon become the first family he'd ever had. It had only made his respect and ever growing sadness for Itachi increase When Ruto thought of hurting his new family this overwhelming, crushing feeling bore down upon him. To think Itachi would live with that the rest of his life.

It had been a total of three months since he had saved old man Tazuna from being crushed from a cart and he'd situated nicely in the Nami no Kuni. He'd tagged along with the the bridge builder and his grateful grandson, who clung to him like a panda. In return for his help, despite Ruto's objections, they gave him a place to stay and in time treated him as their own.

Tsunami, a kind, beautiful woman and mother of Inari; fussed over his injuries, offered him a home and hugged him when he needed comfort. She was everything a mother should be to him.

Kaiza: a tall man with broad shoulders, black spikey hair and warm dark brown eyes; was someone who he thought of as a role model of sorts. He'd taken Ruto under his wing, much to Inari's happiness, and helped strengthen his ideals and morals. After a while Ruto adapted to the mans belief that strength came from having something to protect.

Inari was like the little brother he'd always secretly wanted; he looked up to Ruto and would follow him around for hours. Although slightly annoying, it gave him this warm feeling as if encased by a blanket.

It was only a matter of time before he became a part of the family.

However despite how content he was, that didn't mean Ruto neglected training. If he wanted to protect people he'd have to have the strength to do it. He spent his days either helping with Tazuna's bridges, the heavy lift causing the seven year old to rapidly gain muscle, or taking on various jobs around town, from fixing roofs to helping out at stalls. Not only did this make him well liked through out the village but it gave him a variety of different skills.

At nights however he would proceed with a vigorous training regiment, finally dragging himself to bed in the early morning. After a while he could function on less and less sleep, getting used to not having much. The forest was his training ground and he'd made himself a little cabin where he would study the plethora of books that Kohona library would probably be missing by now. It's a good thing Hokage-jiji had given him that sealing scroll for his 6th birthday.

He loved his new life. He loved his new family. But he couldn't ignore his true calling - It was time he started travelling again.

"Good job for today Ruto" Tazuna called out, ruffling his surrogate grandsons hair, In the three months the young boy had arrived he'd grown quite a bit, his previously slightly malnourished form was taken care of by his fussy daughter. Ruto skin had got tanned, a huge contrast the sickly pale skin he used to have, throughdays working in the sun.

Sly muscles adorned his arms and legs, due to physical work as well as the boys hands becoming more calloused and rough. Proof of his hard work. The boys bright blond hair had, if possible, become even lighter. The old harsh yellow colour had faded, leaving behind a soft and gentle white with hints of blond. He adorned a blue hooded jumper ad black anbu pants.

(Imagine him but with whiskers and slightly more tanned)

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(Imagine him but with whiskers and slightly more tanned)

Ruto wasn't the only one who changed, Tazuna had noticed that this boy had a special talent. He seemed to draw people in and change them for the better; Inari was more social, Tsunami happier, Kaiza spent more time at home then at work and Tazuna himself had stopped drinking and laughed more.

He was a miracle.

"It's almost embarrising that a Seven year old does better work then my employees" He laughed swinging his arm round Ruto's shoulder, a sheepish grin adorning his face.

"Don't tell them that" Ruto said, chuckling under his breath.

"Meh" Tazuna shrugged off " they already know."

"So are we done for the day"

"Yeah, Lets head home kid"

It's a slightly rushed chapter, but I felt bad for not updating in a while. So enjoy!! As you can see Naruto has this deep respect for Itachi - that's going to come into play later (so you have that to look foreword to)

Exams are nearly over, so not long until I can update more 😊

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