Chapter 3

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In the small living room of the Bridge builders house stood three ninjas and two family members crowded around one boy. After receiving his hugs and hellos from his adopted family he turned towards the the adult with hair just a little bit lighter then his.

"My apologies for my previous behavior, Shinobi-san" his soft voice said, bowing towards the man. "i had not eaten for a day or two, so my manners were unfortunately misplaced at that point in time."

"Ruto. You need to take better care of your self. hmph." Tsunami chided, ruffling her son's, in all things but blood, hair while checking him over for injuries. Kakashi watched on in shock as it finally came to him that he'd thought this family member was an enemy.

"So were where you this time brat?" Tazuna pitched in.

"Went back to Suna, you know how cranky that kid gets if i don't visit." was the response.

In the midst of the heartfelt reunion, the three kohona shinobi felt this excruciating pang of awkwardness for intruding on this family moment and both males looked on at the scene in envy. 'What they wouldn't give for a family like that.'

"So" Ruto started, " you finally wised up and called for shinobi, huh old man. Got to say I told you so." Tazuna laughed a little before scratching the back of his head.

"Didn't really need them up till now, especially since you scared away the last group of minions"

"oh yeah, ha ha good times am i right?" he chuckled heartily in response, later being joined by his grandfather. Both giggling manically for a moment.

The three konoha ninja stared on faces blank but you could almost the question marks on top of their heads as they wondered just what the hell was wrong with these people.

Ruto turned towards Kakashi again, staring for briefly as the laughter died down, the white haired male kept his gaze and could of sworn that the mannered brat looked at him in a way as if he recognized him. Of course that was only fleeting as bowed once again breaking there stare.

"I wasn't joking though, i do sincerely apologize, my manners seemed to have wondered away from me when we met, i promise it shan't happen again." He stated again.

Kakashi opened his mouth to reply but no sooner had he started to speak a happy squeal echoed in the room causing him to tense subtly.

" Rutooooo" a blur screamed as it tackled the boy into a hug. A little boy that previously had only managed nothing more then a scowl since the shinobi arrived, was seen clinging to his brothers waist - legs wrapped around him like a monkey, as if to make sure he was really here. On his face was a bright, joyful grin that accented the boys youth.

"Inari !!" Ruto replied happily, spinning the boy around and joining in the hug. "What are you doing up so early you rascal" He finished, picking the boy up and placing him on his shoulders.

"I could sense you" he told him; voice deadly serious and face blank. His blank face slipped for a moment as if trying to hold in a laugh, " And you guys were really loud."

"Well if you ever want to get taller your going to have to sleep proper- OW!" Ruto began, stopping when Inari tugged on his hair sharply with irk marks on his forehead. " Not my fault you're so short" he muttered grumpily under his head before yelping as Inari repeated his punishment.

"Okay, okay - but in all seriousness; you've got to get back to sleep we have a long day tomorrow - the old drunk told me you've been slacking off in my absence and that is unacceptable." Ruto cackled at the end adding onto Inari's horror.

"Have mercy on this unworthy being my lord" He whimpered, trying to flatter his brother to prevent tomorrows grueling work.

"Sorry little one, but no can do."


Ruto stared down at his little brother with soft eyes as he pulled the cover over him to allow for a few more hours sleep. He'd gone quiet on the way upstairs as exhaustion had taken over his little body, gripping the fox toy that Ruto had gotten him years ago as he got into bed.

It was times like these, as he stroked him brothers hair soothingly, that were what Ruto lived for - those small treasured moments in a not always pleasant world. Thinking Inari had already drifted into sleep; he rose quietly, not wanting to disturb him before pausing at his voice.

"Are you going to leave me alone again, Nii-san" the boy whispered, voice barely audible being muffled by his pillow. If it were possible Ruto's heart almost broke at his helpless voice.

"Even if the whole world collapsed, and everything seemed hopeless Inari; you should know that i'd always be there right with you - that i'd never leave you. After all that's my job as your brother." He told him quietly before heading towards the door.

Turning of the lights he whispered a small goodnight; before walking out past Sasuke - who'd lent himself against the whole next to the open door. Listening in.

"Because that's the job of any brother, Sasuke" Ruto said to him, staring directly into the raven haired boys eyes; before walking past him.

And before he'd broken out of his trance the almost white haired boy was gone. Leaving Sasuke to contemplate his words almost failing notice how he not only knew Sasuke's name but how his footsteps were silent.

Not much but the next chapter will be longer and please forgive the mistakes i haven't fully fixed them :))

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