Chapter 1.5

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 'Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something' ~ Plato

He had supposed that his first step of his journey would feel different. A step that he, as a man, would look back upon and recall that humongous weight that lifted from his shoulders or perhaps that new flowing sense of freedom that curled around his body, giving him the interpretation of weightlessness. But to his surprise, Naruto felt none of that.

He edged foreword slightly as if to test it in his second step, but was was met with the same disappointing result that claimed him the first time.

Although feeling upset about the anti climatic nature of his departure, the sound of the guards returning from their shift change forced him to dart into the cover that the mass of trees provided, shielding him from their watchful eyes. However he didn't stop there but continued on, running until the gates he had known for the entirety of his seven years on this earth vanished.

But in the same way he felt nothing in his first step, no emotion weaved through him at the sight of those prison gates fading out of view but possibly one of relief.

His backpack sat lightly one his back, however it was not used for the purpose of holding belongings but rather for the function of deception. It dis-alluded curious people from wondering how a seven year old survived by carrying nothing, even if the answer was simple, seals. 

A black cloak adorned his body laying slightly open to show his choice of wear; matching black anbu pants and a tight fitting dark red top with a dark streak running down the middle. His feet were wearing the classic shinobi sandal, which moved soundlessly as he pumped chakra into his legs to get them to move faster.

Despite swearing off the life of a Ninja, it didn't mean their tricks couldn't come in handy, as long as they aren't used for the wrong purpose. Taking this thought in mind as he ran, he decided that if he wasn't a ninja he would rather be something new entirely, un-linked to the bloodshed and deception that the shinobi trade held. He would be the first Sapōtā.

His life not dedicated to violence or hate, he would simply be what his new role meant. A supporter.


A small noise that originated in the distance caused Naruto to pause in his journey. Intrigued, he fearlessly headed off the path that he'd been following for the past 2 hours and once again entered the confusing cluster of trees. Ears trained on the noise that he could now make out as screaming, Naruto hurried foreword, no hesitation of what lay ahead in his step.

A sudden brightness blinded him momentarily as Naruto exited his cover of trees and found him self out on another path in the open. The only difference was that he wasn't alone this time.

Before him lay a one of the most heavy heartening scene a person can witness; that of a child crying. One even younger then him. Sobbing out pleas of help beside a capsized cart that must of hit a hole and tumbled over. 

The blond boy scurried forward, quickly reaching the child before asking him what was wrong.

"pl-please help!" He hiccuped out in his frenzied fit of tears.

"what's happened, tell me." Naruto demanded urgently, trying to push the 4 year out of his hysteria. 

"The cart collapsed, a-and my Grandfather is trapped in there." he replied with a sniffle.

Naruto took a look at the fallen cart, rising from were he had crouched in front of the boy. It was big and completely tipped upside down from the stuff that was scattered around he would guess that the vehicle had once contained building supplies.

Since it was totally upside down there was still hope that the area in the middle, were he presumed the boys grandfather to be, hadn't all capsized allowing space for the man to survive.

Spreading chakra in to both his legs and arms, he bent down grabbing the edge of the fallen cart; before lifting it with him as he rose. It was heavy, especially for a seven year old but he kept his muscles locked and refused to loosen his grip as he pulled it up.

Luckily for him it seemed the old man had regained conscious from the crash already, and having seen his opportunity, began to crawl out through the space that Naruto provided .

Once free, he abruptly dropped the heavy cart causing it to land with a THUD. Turning to look at old man he was met with the heartwarming sight of the old mans arms wrapped softly around the sobbing boy cradling him, trying to soothe his cries.

Naruto stood awkwardly to the side, waiting for the reunion to finish. Whistling idly while fumbling with his feet to occupy himself.

A gentle tap on his shoulder put an abrupt end to his strange antics. Turning, he was met with soft brown eyes defined by wrinkles and a smile that reminded Naruto so much about the grandfather he just left behind.

"Thank you." The man said gratefully "Thank you so, so much. My name is Tazuna and this is my Grandson Inari." The man continued.

And with that heartfelt thanks ringing in his ears, Naruto felt a warm like feeling spread through out his body as he looked to the boy whose eyes, still a little red from cry, were staring up at him with a gratitude he'd never known before. A bright smile crossed his lips before he held his hand out towards the pair,

"Nice to meetcha, my name's Ruto." 

So the chapters titles that end in .5 will be tales of Naruto's journey. Hope you enjoy and i'm sorry for any mistakes made. Feel free to comment :) 

Disclaimer: I don't own the plot to Naruto or any of its characters

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