Chapter 10

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Three days passed and Marshall never asked out Tessa. Tomorrow was the dance and today was the day that Marshall would ask Tessa. He was sure of it.

Marshall was silently sitting in science, one of his last classes of the day. There was 2 hours left of school. He planned to ask Tessa in between this class and his next one since he sees her in the hallway. He was finishing up the plan in his head when the fire alarm began to go off.

The school began to evacuate. Marshall ran outside and his dad soon pulled up with two other fire trucks. The firefighters ran inside the building.

Marshall found his group of friends and went over to them.

"Is everybody okay?"  Marshall almost yelled at them.

"I think so." Chase answered

"I'm good. My math test was cut short." Zuma added

Marshall silently counted his friends "Chase, Rocky, Skye, Zuma, Everest."

"Guys... WHERE'S TESSA?!" Marshall yelled

"Oh my gosh! She must still be in the building!" Skye yelled back

Marshall looked around and then proceeded to run towards a nearby fire truck.

One of the firefighters was standing by the truck, in case he was needed for assistance.


"I'm sorry son, but I can't let you do that." He said back


"No. You can get hurt." The firefighter said

"Fine. I'll go without equipment on." Marshall snapped

Marshall turned and ran towards the school, distantly hearing the fire fighter yell at him along with a couple other teachers and the principal.

Everest pointed at him and asked "What's he doing?"

Chase looked at Marshall as he ran in and back at her "I think... he's saving Tessa!"

Marshall took a deep breath and ran towards the hallway that the two are usually in.

"She's gotta be here somewhere!" He frantically thought to himself


He became extremely alert. He heard her call him.

"Tessa? Tessa! Answer me!" He called but then immediately started coughing from the smoke. He shoved half of his face into his shirt to try and block out the smoke.

"Marsh-" and then her voice died off

Marshall frantically ran, trying his best to open his eyes in the fog. "I would be able to see if that guy would've let me put equipment on." He thought to himself

He kept walking forward and finally saw Tessa unconscious on the ground.

He lifted her up bride style and and ran for the exit. He held his breath because his shirt had fallen due to his hand not supporting it.

He ran out of the school and immediately exhaled and began to breath normally. He got far enough away from the school and laid Tessa on the ground.

He checked her pulse, it was going steady. Marshall sighed in relief.

"Stupid smoke." He said "C'mon Tessa! Wake up! Please!"

He wasn't giving up.

"I never had a chance to ask you to the dance!"

Tessa moved, making Marshall stare.

Tessa's eyes slowly blinked open.

"Y-you were gonna ask me?" She slowly said, sitting up

"Yes!" Marshall pulled her into a hug "Don't ever scare me like that again!"

"Marshall... you saved me! I might've died!" Tessa began to cry

"Well the fire fighters would've gotten you, but I didn't want you to be in there any longer than you should've. How did you not get out with your class?"

"I was in the bathroom. By the time I heard the alarm and got out of there, smoke had filled the hallway. I tried but I couldn't avoid breathing in the smoke." Tessa sighed

"You'll need to go to the hospital due to smoke inhalation." Marshall stated

"So about the dance... I will go with you, Marshall. I've been waiting for you to ask me all week. I'm sorry it had to be this way." Tessa slightly smiled

"I've been trying to ask all week but I chickened out every time. I was going to ask today but I probably would've chickened out today too." Marshall sighed

"Thanks for saving me. That was very heroic of you." She smiled

Marshall smiled "I'm heroic?"

"Extremely." She smiled "In fact, you're my hero."

Marshall blushed "I'm honored." He smiled

The fire had been put out and an ambulance pulled up, and an EMT hopped out.

"Ready to go?" He asked Tessa

"Yeah." "See you tomorrow Marshall." She smiled at him as she got up

Marshall quietly said "Bye"

Marshall's dad walked over to him as Marshall stood up.

Marshall watched the ambulance drive off. His dad patted his shoulder "Good job Marshall. You risked your safety. You'll make a good fire fighter some day."

A sense of pride washed over Marshall.

He walked back over to his group of friends.

"That was amazing Marshall!" Rocky exclaimed

"Thanks Rocky! I saved my crush and finally asked her to the dance! Sort of.." Marshall said

"Is she going with you?" Skye asked

"Yeah!" Marshall answered a little too enthusiastically

Chase then spoke "You just saved a human being Marshall! You've done good."

"I'm just glad everyone is safe." Marshall responded

Another EMT came over to Marshall and explained that he would have to come to the hospital too, just for safe measures.

The principal caught the attention of the students.

"The dance will still take place tomorrow. School will be canceled until further notice."

Quick commotion spread throughout the students, most about calling parents or the classes.

Marshall began to walk towards the ambulance, only one thing on his mind- "I have a date to the dance!"

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