Chapter 9

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The next Monday, Zuma had earbuds in and was silently walking to his locker. He reached it and put in the combination to the lock. He opened the locker and began to shove his unorganized binders into it, when a girl approached him. She immediately struck him as attractive. She had brown hair and glasses with hazel eyes. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail and her brown hair slightly faded into blonde on the ends.

She began to speak but it just sounded like muffled noises to Zuma. He held up his pointer finger to indicate "one second" and took out his earbuds and put them in a side pocket of his backpack.

"Sorry. Earbuds." He chuckled "What were you saying?"

"There's a dance at the beach this Friday! Tell your friends." The girl beamed

"Okay... but why are you telling me of all people?" Zuma questioned

"I'm the head of the dance committee and I'm just spreading the word." She stated

"Okay. Do you have a date to this dance yet?" Zuma raised an eyebrow

The girl giggled "Not as of yet... why?"

"Just wondering... and I haven't caught your name..?"

"It's Carly. And yours?"

"Zuma." He smiled

"Zuma. That's unique. I like it." She smiled back "Who's that little pup?" Carly asked, pointing to a picture of a Chocolate Labrador in Zuma's locker

"That's Autumn, my lab." Zuma sweetly smiled at the picture

"That's such a pretty name. I love it!" 

Zuma was beginning to really like this girl.

"Thank you... so about the dance?" Zuma smirked a little

"Are you asking me?" Carly smirked back

"Only if you're saying yes..."

"Then yes, Zuma, I'd love to go." Carly smiled

"See you around Carly." Zuma smiled, shut his locker, and walked off

Carly sighed dreamily "What just happened?" She thought to herself


"You guys hear about the beach dance?" Zuma asked at lunch

"I did this morning. Everest and I are going!" Rocky smiled at Everest

"No. I don't have a date yet." Tessa sighed which made Marshall smile to himself "What about you Skye?"

"Probably just going with Chase. I'll ask him whenever he shows up." Skye sighed

"Where is he?" Everest asked

"I dunno. I hope he didn't get in trouble." Skye sighed

As if on cue, Chase walked over to his group of friends.

"Where were you dude?" Zuma asked

"One of my classes ran late. But I'm here." Chase stated

"So... Chase... there's a dance on the beach this Friday? Want to go?" Skye asked nicely

"Yeah, of course." Chase answered

"Zuma, how about you?" Skye asked

"I got a date this morning." Zuma smiled

"Who?!" Everest asked excitingly

"A girl named Carly. She's really nice and enthusiastic! Not to mention pretty!" Zuma blushed at his last words

"Awe good for you Zum!" Rocky playfully punched him

Marshall couldn't find the words but he really wanted to ask Tessa to the dance. All of lunch he just sat there, not saying a word. On Friday, when Marshall had ran away from Chase to go find Tessa, he never did. He didn't get to talk to her.

"I can do this!" Marshall thought to himself. He opened his mouth to say something... but then the bell rang. "My luck." He thought

"I've got all week. I can do this."

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