Chapter 5

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"Kayla, are you in here?" Aaron's voice filled the room.

I let out a loud sigh of relief.

"I've been saved!" I cried out. "It's a miracle!"

"Why on Earth are you in here?" Marcus's voice called out.

The echo of many footsteps grew nearer, and I quickly glanced down at myself in horror.

"Wait!" I called. The footsteps halted.

"Kayla? Are you alright?" Aaron asked cautiously.

"I'm..." I grasped desperately for the right words. "I'm in a compromised situation."

"Compromised?" Jax parroted.

"Just...hand me a shirt?" I pleaded. A pair of footsteps came closer to my cubicle, the sound of muttering coming from my right.

"Which one are you in?" Aaron asked.

"Third down."

I heard a shuffling noise before a black shirt was thrown over the door. I caught it gratefully, slipping it on and instantly being surrounded with warmth. It covered my knees, but still hung loose. I tucked my 'necklace' underneath so that it was barely visible.

"Anyone got a belt?" I called out. A few more footsteps travelled towards me, before a brown belt was slung onto the top of the door.

"Not sure what you need a belt for, but yeah." Jax said.

I slipped it down and wrapped it around my waist, creating some sort of dress. I unlocked the cubicle door and picked up my phone.

Jax, Sam, Leon, Marcus and a shirtless Aaron stood opposite me, their expressions ranging from amused to baffled. I self-consciously crossed my arms over my chest, well aware of my no-bra situation.

I stood in front of them in silence for a few minutes before Leon cleared his throat.

"Well, anyone got an explanation for this?"

I narrowed my eyes.

"Some idiot stole all of my clothes and then you," I exclaimed, pointing at Aaron. "didn't pick up your phone."

"Who did this?" Aaron growled.

"Phone, Aaron?" I reminded. "And I don't know - although I'm pretty sure it was that blue-hoop girl."

Sam raised his eyebrow at me in amusement.

"Blue-hoop girl?"

"You know - blue-dipped hair, hoop earrings, deadly glare." I muttered absentmindedly, my gaze still fixed on Aaron.

"I'm sorry Kayla. I put it in my locker when I had a shower - you must have called then." He looked so crestfallen and upset that I graced him with a small smile.

"You gave me your shirt, right? I'm pretty sure you've paid me back." My eyes narrowed.

"I've been in here for ages though - didn't you bother to look for me?"

"He did." Jax piped in. "We've been hunting around for you since gym - got caught after an hour though."

"And then?"

"Class." Aaron said, his eyes on mine. I stayed silent for a while, thinking through my options.

"If Tracy wasn't a girl I would be expelled by now." Marcus murmured. The others hummed in agreement.

"This is low even for her." Leon scowled.

"Don't do anything stupid - I don't want you guys getting into trouble for me." I ordered.

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