Chapter 34

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Kaylee's POV *In Paris*

I am getting ready for my first fashion show. Everyone is busy and getting ready for the show. I still can not believe I am walking for the new collection of Tommy Hilfiger and Gigi Hadid. Two amazing people that I look up too. "Hello Kaylee Pitt!" A man said excited. "Nice to meet you!" I said with a smile while he pulled me into a hug. "I am Liam. Today I will show you around and help you getting ready because Its your first show." He told me while I listened with a smile. "First all the models are getting ready, then we will have a little meet up with ofcouse Tommy and Gigi! After the show we will go to the after party. Don't worry, we have a amazing outfit for you to wear to the after party!" Liam said. "Come on lets get you ready!" Liam said and pulled me with him making me laugh. "Kaylee, this is your stylist for tonight, Jacky" Liam said while I shook hands with Jacky. "Your beautiful Kaylee!" Jacky told me making me blush. "Thank you so much!" I smiled. "Have a great night Kaylee." Liam winked at me before going to another model.

We walked to the changing room. Jacky grabbed a outfit which looks amazing! She gave me the outfit while I got into the changingroom. After 5 minutes of changing I looked into the mirror. I wore a matching bra and underwear with denim jeans and black heals. To be honest, I really like this outfit. It is sexy, but not to much. I got out of the changingroom with a smile while Jacky looked at me with wide eyes. "Look at you! You look breathtaking." Jacky clapped in her hands while I spinned around and laughed. "Guess it's time for hair" I heard a young woman say behind me. I turned around and saw a beautiful young woman. "I'm Maia, I will be doing your hair tonight." She said to me. "Nice to meet you" I said back with a smile. I said goodbye to Jacky and followed Maia to a room full of people. I sat down on a chair while Maia started to brush my long blonde hair. "Your hair is gorgeous!" She smiled to me through the mirror. "Thanks!" I thanked her. "Are you a little nervous?" She asked me while I nodded. "Is this your first time walking on the runway?" She asked me again. "Yes thats why" I said with a little smile. "Aawh it will be alright honey! You will do great." She said while she started to curl my hair. "I hope so" I laughed. I look to my side and I could'nt believe who I saw. "Bella?!" I said suprised. She turned her head and smiled at me. "Hey! Do I know you?" She said sweetly. "No, I don't think so. I am Kaylee Pitt. I am new" I smiled at her. "Omg thats amazing! I am Bella Hadid. The sister of Gigi." She said and looked at me. "I love your outfit, it really fits you." She said and focused on my outfit. I looked down and smiled. "I know, I am in love with this outfit! You also look amazing as always." I laughed making her smile. "I am seriously a big fan of you, Gigi and Kendall. You are all so talented!" I said to Bella. "Thats so sweet of you! I bet they will love you as much as I do. Your so sweet." She smiled at me. "Your finished!" Maia said to me breaking the conversation of me and Bella.

I looked into the mirror with my mouth wide open. "Maia I love it!" I said loud while everyone in the room looked at me and started laughing. "Haha your welcome sweetheart, go to that other room. Its time for your make-up." She smiled at her while I gave her a hug. She giggled and we said are goodbyes. I walked my way into the other room while I saw a woman who waved at me. I smiled at her and walked to her. "Hey, you must be Kaylee?" She smiled at me. "Jup, thats me." I giggled. "I am Tiana, sit down" she said while I nodded and sat down. "We will be quick and do a natural make-up look for the show. You already have a beautiful face, so we don't have to do a lot." She said making me smile. I grabbed my phone and started to check my social media. I noticed a new message from Cameron which makes made me smile. I opened the message and started reading it 'Cam❤️: Goodluck baby, I am so proud of you. Have fun, I love you princess.' I smiled at my phone while a tear slipped down my cheek. "Your okay darling?" Tiana asked me worried. I nodded while I looked down at me phone. She looked at my phone with a small smile. "Missing your boy?" She asked while I nodded with a small smile. "Aaawh sweetie, don't be so sad. He is proud of you and this is going to be an amazing night. Enjoy it and don't cry." She rubbed my back while I calmed down. The thing that makes me so emotional is that I know that I won't be seeing him a lot because of my new career. I just hate the distance between us. Not being able to be in his arms when I need his hugs.

Think about the show Kaylee! This is a big chance you get! Walking for Tommy Hilfiger is amazing!" She said making me smile. "See your smiling!" She said making me giggle. "Come on let me finish your make-up." She said. *20 minutes later* We were outside for a little meet up with Tommy and Gigi before the show. Everyone looked gorgeous and was excited for the show to start. "You must be one of our new models! Welcome to the family." Tommy came up to me while I started to freak out. Ofcourse I kept myself calm and hugged with Tommy. "Its a blessing to have you here with us! You are a real young and talented model. You are going to be big one day." Tommy said while I covered my mouth with my hands. "Thank you so much! I am speechless to be honest." I said while I heard someone giggle behind me. I turned around and said loud "OMG Gigi!". She laughed and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you so much for being a part of the show and a part of my new collection." She smiled at me. "Its a dream coming true." I said excited. We started talking about the planning and we all started to get into our places. All the models were standing in a row waiting for their turn to walk the runway. Gigi was the first one with Bella and Kendall walking behind her. The other models followed behind and now it was my turn. Bella returned from the runway and winked at me before I took a deep breath and started walking. I felt confident while everyone was staring at me. I looked to my right side and saw someone sitting there who I didn't expect to be here at all...

A/N Who did Kay see? Do you know?😉

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