Chapter 10

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Cameron's POV

 One husky sat lonely in a corner all alone and didn't look so happy. I slowly made my way to the dog and sat down in front of him. "Hey buddy." I smiled and got closer to him until the dog barked loud to me. I quickly moved away in shock. "You okay?" The woman asked me and sat down next to me. "Yes, just a little in shock." I said and smiled at her. "This is a very shy one." She said smiling at the husky. "You like him?" She asked me and I nodded. "Just stay a little longer with him, maybe he will trust you after a while." The woman told me and stood up. After a while I began to sat closer to him and held out my hand. He smelled my hand and let me pet him. For some reason I really like this dog. He layed his head on my lap and his fail started to move side to side of happiness. "Look at you being so happy." I said and started playing with him. Running around the room and playing with a ball which I quess is his favorite. "I have never seen him so happy!" I heard the woman say behind me when I turned around. The husky was so excited and started to run around me making me laugh. "What's his name?" I asked her and sat down next to the dog. "He is new, we don't know a name for him." She said with a small smile. "I like all the huskies, but I think that I found my new partner in crime" I said and stood up.

"You would like to adopt him?" She said with a smile and I nodded. "What great! He can finally get a new home." She said excited. "We need to check some things and you need to sign some papers, is that okay?" She asked me. "Ofcourse!" I said excited. "Wait were is my girlfriend?" I asked the woman and looked around confused. "Oow she is with the cats. Go though that door, go to the right and you will see her!" She said and I thanked her. "I will be back buddy!" I kissed the dogs head and made my way to the cats. I entered a big room with a lot of cats. "Babe I found the one!" I said excited when she looked up. "Your adopting the dog you were playing with?" She asked me smiling and I nodded. "I am so happy for you!" She said and pulled me into a hug. "We gotta go to the front desk to sign some papers, your coming?" I grabbed her hand, but she stopped me. "I am thinking about adopting a pet.." She said with a small smile. "I think you want to adopt all of them." I said making her giggle. "No Cam, I am serious. I feel so sorry for seeing them here so locked up in a room.." She said and looked down. I pulled her into a hug making her smile. "If you don't have time for a dog, you can always take a cat." I said and smiled at her. "I mean a cat can be on his own for a few hours, thats not a problem for a cat." I told her when she nodded.

"I think thats a good idea" she said excited. "Look around for a cat, I am going back to the dogs." I said and winked at her. "Wait Cam!" She said and before I could turn around I felt her sweet lips on mine. I could'nt help, but smile in the kiss. She pulled away and said "Please stay and help me find one." "Ofcourse" I kissed her cheek making her giggle. She looked so happy while she was cuddling and petting the cats which is so cute. I was so focused on her when I felt out of no where a cat jumping on my shoulder making me laugh. I grabbed the cat and realised it was still a kitten. She was white with beautiful bright green eyes which remind me of Kaylee's eyes. "Babe!" I said and she looked up with another kitten in her hands. She got up and walked to me. "OMG Cameron that one is beautiful and cute!" Kaylee said while the white kitten jumped on her back. "Guess she likes you." I smiled. "I also like this one." She said and looked down at the gray kitten sleeping in her arms. "Your right Kay, they are both adorable." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her from behind. "What am I going to do?!" She said worried holding the two kittens. "You really love them don't you?" I said and she nodded when a tear fell down her cheek. That broke my heart, it is so special how much she cares about these animals. "Take them both.." I whispered in her ear. "I don't have the money Cam.." She said and turned around in my arms. "But I do.." I winked at her.

"Cameron you don't have to do that." She said to me, but I shook my head. "I don't care what you say Kay, but I am making sure both of them are coming home with us." I said while she looked speechless at me in the eyes. "I adopt this one, you the other one. I don't accept a 'no' as a answer, now come on." I said and grabbed the white kitten. We interlocked our hands and left the room. We walked to the front desk. "We also want to adopt these two cuties" I said and the woman looked at us with a smile. "How sweet! You could'nt resist the cuteness of the kittens right?!" She said making us laugh. "Well that is so sweet of the both of you to give these animals a new home. They really needed it." The woman said with a thankfull smile. "They are worth a new home." Kaylee said. "Please fill in these papers please." The woman said while Kaylee and I started to fill them in. "The pets don't have a name yet. What do you want to call them." The woman looked up at us. "For the kittens, Muffinbutt and Snowchicken." I said. Both of them looked at me with wide eyes and Kaylee bursted out in laugher.

"OMG Cameron!" She laughed and slapped my arm playfully making me laugh. The woman now started laughing too. "No, but serious I like Lilly for the white one." Kaylee said excited. "Yes thats cute." I agreed. "Do you maybe know a name for the gray one?" Kay asked the woman behind the desk. "Well I always call her Jolly." She said. "That name is adorable! Let's name her Jolly!" Kaylee said and wrote the names down on the papers. "What about the dog?" The woman asked me. "I've always wanted to name my dog 'Jaxx' " I said making her smile. "What a unique name young man." She said. We signed the last papers and the woman handed me Jaxx. Jaxx run to me excited and jumped my arms when I sat down on the ground. "How sweet!" The woman said. "Well loves, take good care of your name pets. Have a great day!" She said and we thanked her. We were in the car on our way home. I was driving while Kay sat in the back of the car with Jaxx and the two kitten in a cage. "I can't believe we only went to get a dog and end up with 3 pets." I said and I heard Kaylee giggle in the back. Jaxx started to mess around and started barking making me laugh. "OMG dog just stop!" Kaylee said annoyed making me laugh. "JAXX CHILL!" She yelled when the dog almost jumped on top of her. We are going to have a great time with these pets I already know it.

A/N Hope you enjoyed😆

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