Emo Quartet - Crack Fic #1
honestly wtf is this
one dayz ther was a band calle 'my gay lOve stoRy', thE mEmebers WeR LemOn, cuPcAke, FroHnkEhy and MICKEY mOuse They mad a song called 'teh frerard seks'buuuut ohhh nooo, ther was anothA band cAllEd 'paNiC whEn sExtIme hAppen' thE mEmeber was MIlk whOre and mIlk whOre 2x anD THey mad a soNg cAlled 'RydEn seky tim'
and mY gAy love stOry gOt mAd, cAUse tHE WHoRe coPy Dem, so thEy kiLLED a chair
anD thEn miLk whOre goT so sAd caUse thAt chaiR wAs HiS Only fRend,
thA chaiR name wAs tiLer anD thE chAir Had A bOyfrEndy cAlled jOisH
buT THen tiLer rELisE afTer 5 YeARs thAt JOisH wasNt reAl so He crY wheN hE mAsTerbAkes
sO, MILk whOre gOT mAd And brOuGht oUt hiS bIg mIlk mAchIne 4000
anD SHoved thE mIlk up LEMons NOSTril
"hoW dAr u?" MICKEY mOuse spok"HOw dAr ur MUmmy" milK whOre 2x sed
thEn a BEautiFul meMe apEred his NaMe Was pEpe
hE HadZ a tRiCyCle With hIs FrenDy, VEGan mAster 101, FrO Fro anD pATtypAn"ypOyooyo,
I em HerE to sAve uR lIfe," pEPe SedthAn MICKEY mOuse made full, SExay eYecoNtact wiTh pEpep
"Yu aRE so prEtty" MICKEY sed
"IK BETCH" pEpe sasseD
"ADOpt mE?" MICKEY aSked
anD All oF A suDDEN theY weNt To a caStLe in jamaIcA."Pepe, you PrOmIsed Me tHA sEks toNight" Pattypan GRoAn
lEmOn thEn goT His fAnCy KiT of HAiR dYe OUt And ThRew It aT MIlK whOre eyE
"OWH, THAT hURt MY lIFe" mIlK whOrE CriED, ThAN HE DIed
"hahHHWHAGRGBEN" LEmOn laUghed,FroHnkEhy kId sed "ur aSs LooKs pRetty"
"I knOw"
thAn cuPCAke uSed tHe power Of fRo At MIlK whOre 2x
ThEn thEy die.tHeN pATTypAN, VeGan MasTer 101 anD Fro Fro cAME ANd DRanK thE fREsh mILk Out oF thE miLk MaCHiNE 4000, LitTLe DId THey KnOW, soMe oF iT wAsnT MilK (ill let u think what it was heuehe)
tHeN PEpE cAme bak WiTh MICKEY anD pOpped Out A Dog From MiCKEYS NIPPLE
"leTS cAll him dADdY DalLoN lOnG lEgs"
the end(a/n so what the actual fuck is this, i am actually meant to be doing hw rn, and what am i doing?
so if you read this, thanks and sorry.
anywas, i might make this into a book of jus crack fics but idk...
oki BAAIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiii)
(Update: Quick Introduction!
So i just wanted to clarify, MCR is called 'My Gay Love Story', P!ATD is called 'Panic when the sextime happen', FOB is called 'Falling Down the stairs for the gay boys' (long like fob's song titles), and top is called 'twenty one billion gay flight attendants'. I hope you'll understand the nicknames for the members. If you don't, comment and ill tell you! they'll have the same band names and nicknames every chapter just a new, weird fucking story. I dont know either.
Just to let you know, I am definitely not homophobic or racist. These stories are made for comedy purposes only, and I don't mean to be offensive, if it seems I use the word gay to much. No one has said anything, but I just wanted to clarify that.)
emo quartet - cRaK fiKs
RandomI hope my parents a proud of me!!1! I honestly don't know what this is... I'M SO SORRY IF YOU READ THIS BUT I'M THANKFUL AT THE SAME TIME