Having a tall boyfriend

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Important authors note at the end.
"Hey babe". You asked your boyfriend Alec. " what". He answered. "Can I have a kiss"? He smirked. " you can if you can reach me". He was incredibly taller than you so you tried jumping. "Babe" you whined. " cmon you can do it y/n" he laughed. You kept trying but he was too tall. Then you jumped on his waist and kissed him lovingly. You pulled apart when you heard " awwww" come from clary and Izzy. " you guys are goals". Izzy said while recording you. You jumped off of Alec blushing and you buried your hard in his chest embarrassed. He laughed then kissed the top of your head holding you in his arms never wanting to let you go.
awwwww I thought I would do a fluffy imagine because I had this idea and I thought it was cute. Can you let me know in the comments if I should do any more fluffy ones for all of them or if I should add any more characters. Thank you all do much for voting and being supportive it means a lot . Ok I'll go by my loves.

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