Why Me!?

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Makayla pov.

I feel so bad for Madison. I've friends with her, and I've never seen her this heartbroken before. "Madison do you want to go home?" I ask her "No I don't want to go home I want to stay here with him. I'm not leaving until he wakes up. I might leave to get some fresh air or go home and shower but other wise I'm not leaving." Madison said still crying. The only people still here is Madison, Jack G, and I.  "Madison let's go on a walk." Jack said. "Makayla can you stay here I need to talk to her alone ok. I'll be right back I love you." "Ok I love you to"  Makayla said as Madison and I walked out. As soon as we got outside I said "Madison I have an idea of what your going through. I remember when I was 15 my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and I sat by his bedside and wouldn't leave. The biggest difference is that my grandfather died and I saw him die, but Hayes  he will survive, like Nash said Hayes loves you to much to leave you." I said and Madison haven't stopped crying. "Jack I appreciate you telling your storie. I just don't know what I will do if he does die." She says crying "I'm going to go on a walk." Then she walks away.

My pov.

I can't believe this, what did this have to happen to me. Right now I walking the around trying to calm down and stop crying. "Madison, Madison what's wrong?" ??? asks. I recognize that voice. It's Ashton Irwin, the only one from 5sos that helped me through my break up with that idiot Luke. "Ashton what are you doing here?" I ask him. "Well Nash tweeted about Hayes and started #prayforhayes so I flew down because I knew that you would need a friend and I know that Makayla will be busy planing her wedding. All of the boys are confused why I left. Don't worry I didn't tell them." He says giving me a hug. "My phone is ringing, crap it's Luke. Is it ok if I answer it?" He asks me "ya just don't tell him I'm here." I say

Ashton's pov.

When I was giving Madison a hug my phone went off and it was Luke.



L-hey man where did you go all of sudden you just packed your suitcase and darted

A- um ya I planed myself a trip and I forgot about it until last minute

L-oh really how long are you going to be gone

A- I done know yet

L-Ashton I know your lying

A-what no I'm not

L-Ashton turn around

End of conversation

I turn around while turning my phone off. "Oh hey guys. What are you guys doing here?" I ask them, and I can see that Madison is about to start crying again o have to get her out of here soon. "So Ashton are you going to tell us why you are really here?" Luke asks me. I look at Madison for permission and she nods her head yes. "Madison's fiancé got in a dirt biking accident and is now in a coma I came to support her." I say walking away with Madison, ur when I turn around they are following us. "What do you guys want." I ask the, because I'm about to flip. "Well I don't know what they want but I know what I want." Luke says with a smirked and grabbed her arm but I pulled her back, then she got mad. "You know what Luke I'm glade that you cheated on me. You cheating on me was the greatest thing that ever happened to be because it saved me from being with a the biggest cheater, it the world and saved me from being with someone you only uses you until leave to go see a friend. Luke you are a dick. You can leave me and my life alone forever." Madison yelled getting in his face then storming with me following her. "Wow Madison I didn't know that you had that in you." I said. "Well he's lucky he didn't get me any madder because I was about to give him a black eye and probably a bloody nose." She said calming down. "Madison look at your arm, when Luke grabbed your arm he must of grabbed your arm to hard because you have have a giant bruise. I be right back Madison." I said after I took a picture of her arm. I ran back towards Luke and the others. "Hey Luke." I yell to get there attention. "Look who came back." Luke said "ya look what you did Madison." I said showing him the picture. "Oh well" Luke said still smiling, and that is when I flipped and punched Luke in his face, he punch me back and gave me a black eye while I broke his nose and I ran back to Madison. "Ashton what happened to you?" Madison asked "I punch Luke and he punched me back." I said

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