Chapter 3

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Ruby's P.O.V

My head was spinning as I tossed and turned....I couldn't see anything....oh eyes were closed...duh...I tried my best to open them.....only every time I tried to open them...they hurt.However,I managed to open them just a crack.When I did,my vision was blurry....My eyes started to hurt because of the light.I saw two faces....the faces were soon able to see and were not blurry.

I saw Nurse Joy and some....old guy.I quickly shot up...but then lied back down because of the pain.I held onto head and groaned."Where....Where am I?"I asked.I looked around the room and the first thing that came to my mind Pokémon!"Marill!Where is Marill?"I asked.A boy that looked like my age wore a red cap with a dark blue pokéball on it.

He had bluish and blackish hair with a red scarf and a shirt that was short sleeved that was blue and white.

He was also wearing blue jeans.The boy was also holding my Marill."Marill!"I squealed.Marill yelped happily before jumping in my arms.I held her tightly as she squealed happily.I looked up at the boy and smiled."Thank you!I'm Ruby!"I said.The boy nodded and stuck out his hand."Lucas,"he said.

I was so happy that I had my Marill with me that I forgot where I was or why."Um,can someone explain to me why I'm here?"I asked.Nurse Joy smiled and pointed at Lucas."This young man saved you,"Nurse Joy said.I looked at Lucas as I saw a blush rise on his cheeks."Erh.... you passed out right in front of the Pokémart..."Lucas said scratching the back of his head.

I smiled and looked at the old guy."And he is?"I asked.The man chuckled,"I'm Looker,I rescued another girl."I looked next to me and saw a girl my age.She had brown hair and looked like she was sleeping."Oh..."I said.I looked back at them."Nurse Joy what...happened to us?"I asked her.She frowned and shook her head,"I don't....I don't know...but your fine now,"Nurse Joy said.

Looker looked at the other girl than back at me."That was very...unnatural...I've never seen people act like that before..."Looker said.I looked at him confused."What do you mean people act like that?Act like what?"I asked.Lucas walked up to me and pointed at the other girl."You kinda went crazy,you and her both...when she fainted you guys both started to was really scary...both your Pokémon were really worried about you.."Lucas said.

I looked down at Marill who was happily curled in my arms.I felt sad that Marill worried so much about me...I looked at the girl next to me and saw her Eevee.It looked scared and its trainer would never come back to life.I watched as Eevee nudged the girl lightly.I smile down as Marill smiles back.I heard slight shuffling next to me.I turned my head and saw the girl groaning and moving around.....


Sapphire's eyelids fluttered open as her vision was slightly blurry.She looked around and saw Eevee in her face.Sapphire quickly shot up and wrapped her arms around Eevee.Hugging her tightly she didn't let go.Sapphire looked around and saw two people she didn't know."So Looker,we made it to the Pokémon Center,what happened?"She asked.Looker smiled,"Well....something happened...."

"Oh Looker,I forgot to tell you my name,I'm Sapphire,and you two are?"She asked.The girl smiled happily."I'm Ruby!And this is Lucas,"The girl said pointing to herself then the boy."Now Sapphire,what really happened?"asked Looker.Sapphire looked down at Eevee then back at the others.

"Well,it all started when I was in Twinleaf Town,then Eevee heard something and ran off in the woods.When I found her,she was standing by a lake.Everything was fine until a small twister started to form....just like...out of the blue...then it was so strong that it made me fall back.I held onto the grass and Eevee almost let go.I was panicking and I didn't know what to I just let go..then as soon as I was swept up...I saw a vision...."Sapphire explained.

"What kind of vision?"Looker asked.Sapphire looked straight forward,like she was focusing on something else."I Pokémon...I heard Pokémon cries,"Sapphire said.Lucas snapped up,"I think I might know what you are talking about!Palkia and Dialga both are in space!The two legendary Pokémon of space!"

Looker looked at Lucas and nodded."Your what about you Ruby?"Looker asked.Ruby shrugged."I didn't see any vision...I just felt dizzy and passed out..."Ruby said.Looker tapped his chin,"I wonder what happened to you both,you girls screamed,passed out,and actually ended up meeting each the same guys might have some special bond."

Ruby and Sapphire looked at each other."Maybe....we have something to do with the legendary Pokémon....but what?"Ruby asked.Looker shook his head,"I have no clue...but just to make sure...I think you guys may have to stay together...just in case you guys have another break down....or have another vision."Ruby smiled happily,"I think that's awesome!"Sapphire nodded happily.

Both girls stepped off the beds and stretched."I actually feel better,"Ruby said."Me too!"Sapphire exclaimed.Both laughed happily."Wait outside the Pokémon Center and I'll say my good byes,"Looker said.Both girls nodded before saying good bye to Nurse Joy."So Sapphire,what's your goal?"Ruby asked.Sapphire smiled,"My goal is to become Pokémon Champion!I already had my adventure in Kanto,now it's Sinnoh!"

Ruby's eyes lit up."Wow cool!Did you win?"she asked.Sapphire shook her head."No,but I was happy my Pokémon tried their best,what about you?What's your goal?"Sapphire asked.Ruby looked at Marill and smiled."My goal is to be top coordinator!When I was small,I've always dreamed of being one!"Ruby exclaimed.Sapphire looked at Ruby and smiled.

"I think I might know what our bond might be!We both have a thirst for adventure!"Sapphire said excitedly.Ruby turned to her and jumped up and down."Your completely right!"Ruby said.When they exited the Pokémon Center they turned to each other."Well,lead the way!Where are we going?"Ruby asked.Sapphire thought for a moment.

"I was going to stay at a Pokémon Center before all this started but since your coming with me we can go to Jubilife City and stay there if you want,"Sapphire asked.Ruby nodded,"Of course lets go!"Before they could go Looker walked out of the center."Well,girls be safe and please contact me if any of that occurs again or if you girls have another vision,"Looker said,handing them a card with his number on it.

The girls both nodded before waving good bye."Wait!"Lucas called out.The girls turned to Lucas."What's wrong?"Ruby asked.Lucas smiled,"Actually...I was wondering if I could join you guys."Both girls looked at each other and smiled."Of course,"Sapphire said."Thanks!I was just amazed about you guys' bond between your Pokémon,I wanted to learn!"Lucas said.

Ruby smiled,"The more people,the more adventure!"The three of them laughed.After Looker left,the three looked at each other."Ok!Hands in for adventure!"Sapphire called out."One!"Ruby said."Two!"Sapphire exclaimed."Three!"Lucas yelled."ADVENTURE!"They all yelled.Laughing they walked together.....who knows what adventure awaits them.........

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