Chapter 10

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"Why are caves so wet?"asked Ruby.

They all traveled into the cave,watching all the construction workers with their Pokémon such as Machoke and Machop.

"Well it is a cave,"Lucas retorted.

Ruby glared at him as Lucas chuckled nervously.

"All these Pokémon are adorable,"Ruby said,reaching into her bag and pulling out her Pokédex.

She lifted it up and scanned each one.First Machop then Machoke.When the Pokémon were registered,and identified,Ruby slipped it back into her bag.

"Wow cool!Machops!"Ruby gushed.

Sapphire smiled and examined all the Pokémon as well.

'Which reminds me,I've got some Pokémon to capture.I can't win with just one Pokémon....'thought Sapphire.

"Let's go ask one of these workers if they've seen Roark,"suggested Lucas.

They agreed,Ruby tapping on a worker's shoulder.

"Yes,"he said,turning toward them.

"Could you help me and my friends out?Have you seen a man named Roark,the gym leader for Oreburgh City?"asked Ruby politely.

He laughed and wiped some dirt off his face,"Actually yes.But be careful now,the part of the cave where he is at is very dangerous.A lot of holes that could suck you up and take you deeper underneath the cave.Just follow the lights lined up on the cave walls,you should soon end up at a stair cave made out of dirt.When you get to the bottom of those stairs,keeping walking forward and there should be where Roark is."

The kids' faces paled.

"Alright....thank you,"Ruby said.

"No problem."

Ruby turned to the others and gulped,"We'll have to be very careful when we reach Roark."

Sapphire nodded,"Let's stay close together just to be safe."

They all nodded in agreement,watching every step they took.Following the lights on the wall,the echoes of the workers got quieter and quieter.When they reached the staircase,it was completely dark,no lights.

"Uh...that's a dark stairway,"Ruby said,peering down.

Sapphire nodded,"Um no worries!As long as we stick together.

Sapphire,Ruby,and Lucas locked arms.Sapphire looked over at Paul,then looked down at her empty arm.He followed her eyes and looked back at her....Then scowled and looked away.Sapphire sighed and looked back at Ruby who was peering down into the stairway.

"Let's go,"Lucas said.

Sapphire,Ruby,and Lucas slowly headed out,being engulfed in darkness.Paul was slowly walking behind,hearing the others footsteps helped him know where they were.As soon as they reached the bottom,light was visible and a sign that read,"Danger." was visible as well.

"We've got to be very careful,"Ruby warned.

Sapphire nodded looking down at the floor,a small headache forming in her head.It was all so sudden,she looked over at Ruby who looked worried.Sapphire then shot her eyes back to the ground,soon the headache formed even begin.Her head began to pound and so did her heart.As they walked forward,she got dizzier.Sapphire moved her her hand to her head,clutching it in pain.She gritted her teeth as the pounding got harder.

"Sapphire,you ok?"asked Ruby.

She put a worried hand on her shoulder as Sapphire opened her eyes.

"Y-ya...I'm fine,"Sapphire muttered.

Ruby didn't think so.Eevee didn't think so either.She nuzzled into her neck,Sapphire couldn't even turn to her.Sapphire had to stop,she looked at the wall and leaned against it.

Bad mistake.

A white light flashed as she closed her eyes.A small Pokémon figure stood in front of her,crying its eyes out.It looked weak,hungry,and dirty.A couple scratches were visible on the Pokémon,it lied against a dirt wall.The blurry figure was somewhere dark,and cave like.Sapphire tried to get near it,but she couldn't move.She tried calling out to it,but it was like it didn't hear her at all.

"Wait....this is a vision..."Sapphire thought aloud,her voice echoing.

The Pokémon cried louder looking up,something was happening,but Sapphire couldn't tell what it was.The surroundings of the Pokémon rumbled,then something was falling from the top.Landing in front of the Pokémon,the figure looked up

Sapphire gasped as she looked around,finding the cave in Orebrugh City.Ruby and Lucas ran up to her,pulling her off the wall.

"Sapphire!What happened?"asked Ruby.

Sapphire stayed quiet,then looked up at them blankly.

"The holes...."she mumbled.

Lucas arched an eyebrow as Ruby looked at her worriedly.Sapphire then shook her head and ran off.

"Sapphire wait!Its dangerous!"Lucas yelled.

Ruby tried to run after her but Lucas stopped her by grabbing her by the shoulder.

"Ruby you can't go!"Lucas yelped.

Ruby looked at Lucas and shook her head,"I have to find Sapphire!She could be sucked up!"

Ruby tried to go but Lucas stopped her once more.

"Ruby!She'll be fine,"Lucas said soothingly.

Ruby glanced back to see Sapphire already out of sight.She sighed and picked up Marill,clutching her tightly.

'Please be alright Sapphire.....'Ruby thought.


Sapphire looked around,eyeing many small holes.

'One of these have to be the right hole....'Sapphire thought to herself.

She knew Ruby would be worried,and she even felt a little guilty that she left her.But she's got to find that Pokémon.Sapphire then listened really closing,closing her eyes.

'Please....where are you...I can save you...Just tell me where you are.....'

Sapphire waited,opening her eyes,she waited.

Nothing.She sighed,closing her eyes once more.

'You need won't make it if you don't tell me where you are....Please....'

Once more she opened her eyes....

Still nothing.

She sighed,looking down,then noticing Eevee pulling at her shoes.

"What is Eevee?"asked Sapphire.

The Pokémon yipped happily,then ran to a small hole that stood alone,away from the other holes.Eevee pointed to it,yelping for her attention.Sapphire ran to it,making sure not to fall into any other one.She got on her hands and knees,peering down into the hole.

"So you think it's in this one?"asked Sapphire.

She nodded,Eevee's ears twitching.Sapphire leaned into it,listening carefully.

'Are you in here.....?'

Sapphire waited....then she heard a soft sob.

She gasped as she gripped onto Eevee.

"You ready?"she asked her Pokémon.

Eevee looked up at her with trusting eyes.Sapphire nodded then stuck her foot down into the hole.Her foot slowly was engulfed in the dirt,so was her other foot when she put it in.She then put her whole body in,the dirt coming up to her neck.

"I can do this!"Sapphire said aloud.

The dirt reached her lips,gulping down her last breath of air.The last thing she saw was the light lining the edge of the cave wall.....then...


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