Chapter 6

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Ruby gasped as she shot up from sitting against the tree.Accidentally waking up Lucas,he turned to her.She gasped for air as tears fell from her cheeks."What's wrong,"asked Lucas.Ruby turned to him as her eyes were wide open.She then threw her arms around him,crying on his shoulder.At first Lucas was slightly shocked,but then wrapped his arms around her.

"I.......saw.....a vision......."said Ruby.Lucas pulled away and stared straight into her brown eyes."Of what?"asked Lucas."Darkrai......"she whispered.Sapphire jumped from the tree and ran to Ruby."Are you ok?I sensed you were having a.....
nightmare.....I don't know how I knew you were.....I could just feel it....feel your pain...and emotions..."said Sapphire.

Ruby nodded while wiping the tears from her eyes.Sapphire bent down and patted Ruby's back."What was it about?"asked Sapphire.Ruby looked up at her with fear in her eyes."I....saw a girl....crying....and....Darkrai....she wants her daddy...."said Ruby.Sapphire looked at her worriedly and shook her head."Who?Who is this little girl who wants her daddy?"asked Sapphire.More tears came down Ruby's cheeks as she began to think about her nightmare.

"I-I don't know....."Ruby whispered.Lucas looked up at Sapphire,"You know....Darkrai is known for sending nightmares..."Sapphire nodded,"But why her?What does Darkrai want?"Lucas shook his head.Ruby leaned back against the tree as she sighed,shivering slightly.Lucas wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Thanks Looky,"Ruby said smiling weakly.Lucas smiled back,"What are friends for?"Ruby nodded before closing her eyes.Sapphire stared at Ruby for climbing back up the tree.She sighed as she looked up at the stars.Everything was fine in the sky,the stars and moon lit up the sky.Then something caught her eye,a star....two...only they were different colors than all the others..One was blue and the other was pink.

Sapphire cocked her head to the side with a raised eyebrow....


Darkrai's P.O.V

My message was delivered and she received it....Pearl....she had the nightmare....The time was getting closer....the girl known as Diamond...or what I call her....I think her name was Sapphire.....she has already spotted the Pokémon in the sky...and not only that but Giratina was going to be summoned soon.....if those humans summon him and try to destroy the will be the end of all things alive......

Human and Pokémon.....


"Come on we got to get moving,wake up Barry,"said Sapphire jumping from the tree.Lucas and Ruby stood up and stretched."Ya,I've got to register so I can be a coordinator,"said Ruby picking up Marill.Lucas went up to Barry and poked him in the shoulder."Barry,we're getting ready to leave,"said Lucas.

Barry groaned and turned on his side,"No mommy!Five more minutes!"Ruby cracked up laughing while Lucas sighed in frustration."WAKE UP!"yelled Lucas.Barry shot up and screamed,"NO DONT TAKE MY CANDY STUPID HAUNTER!"Now Sapphire and Ruby were on the floor laughing."Barry,no one is gonna take your candy,"Lucas groaned.

Barry looked around and blushed in embarrassment."Oops....ignore my dream...."he said.Ruby laughed and put her bag over shoulder and let it fall on her waist.Sapphire's Eevee jumped on her shoulder as Chimchar did the same with Barry."Let's go,"said Sapphire.Ruby walked up next to Sapphire while the guys walked behind them." about my nightmare..."said Ruby.

"Ya...did anything else happen?"asked Sapphire.Holding onto Marill tightly,Ruby nodded."I saw....two men...grabbing onto another man...only the two men were dressed in awkward uniforms....and they were pulling one man away....then I saw in front of me....first he was staring at me with piercing shadow blue eyes...then walked away from me..."Ruby whispered.

Sapphire then remembered the guy she saw when she was on the boat to Sinnoh...Sapphire looked at Eevee and they both nodded in understanding....she always had that special thing...she always knew exactly what her Pokémon was thinking, she could almost communicate with her Pokémon....

Sapphire looked at Ruby and nodded."I think I might know what you mean...when I was on a boat to Sinnoh...I saw a weird man,his hair was cut short,like a bobbed cut with shadow eyes and he wore a weird uniform with a "G" centered in the middle.."said Sapphire.Ruby shook her head."His hair was spiky...and I didn't see a "G"she said.Sapphire looked up and was thinking intensely.

Marill looked up at Ruby worriedly."Yes,it was scary Mar,but I'm ok,"Ruby said.Marill slightly sighed and snuggled into Ruby's arms."What....what do you think our special bond is?"asked Ruby."Well...we both have some kind of connection between Pokémon and each other....we both feel each other's pain,we knew that when we were at the Pokémon Center...."Sapphire said.

"And we both know when one of us is having a nightmare..."Ruby said,shivering at the thought of her nightmare....Sapphire nodded while looking at Ruby."Hey!Girls!!Its Jubilife!"Barry called out.Both girls looked ahead to see the buildings."We're almost there come on!!!"Barry said running past the girls.Lucas walked next to the girls and sighed,"He has to much energy..."

Soon the four of them were at Jubilife,awing at all of the amazing buildings."Wow!"Ruby said excitedly.She ran on the sidewalk with Marill in her arms.When the four entered the Pokémon Center Ruby went to register and contact her mom while Lucas went to the Pokémart to buy snacks while Sapphire was saying bye to Barry.

"So,it looks like I'm gonna be leaving,"Barry said.Sapphire smiled,"I'm sure we'll meet again soon."Barry nodded and smile happily."Tell the others I hope to see them soon,"said Barry.Both shook hands before he turned and left the Pokémon Center.Sapphire smiled at Eevee and watched Barry leave.

"Hey Sapphy,ready to go meet Lucas at the Pokémart?"asked Ruby,fixing her cap.Sapphire nodded as they both headed to their destination."Where is Barry?"Ruby asked."He left and wanted me to let you guys know that he'll be sure to see you guys soon,"Sapphire said.Ruby nodded.When they walked up to the Pokémart they heard battle cries of Pokémon.Both turning around they heard shouts and hollers.

"What's that?"asked Ruby.Both girls headed toward the sound which led them down to an open alley.In the alley was a fence and around the fence was crowds of people cheering and hooting.The girls looked at each other and struggled to get through the crowds.When they did they saw that the fence was surrounding a small battle court.

On the battle court stood a boy about their age,feeling proud of his victory.Leaving the battle court was a guy that the girls predicted lost to the other guy."Paul is the victor once again!"a tall skinny man said.Everyone hooted and clapped as the boy known as Paul rolled his eyes at everyone.For a mere second,he looked deep into Sapphire's eyes."Wow,he must be strong,"said Ruby.

Sapphire looked away slightly blushing.'Wait.Sapphire stop doing this!You don't fall for any guy,'thought Sapphire."Who is the next opponent??"asked the skinny man,also known as the referee.No one said a word as Paul chuckled at the silence.Sapphire smiled evilly as a plan formed in her head."I'll do it!"Sapphire said,determined as ever.

Everyone looked to see who said that as they laughed."You?Ya right,"said one guy.Her blood boiled as she walked up to the fence entrance and walked in.Everyone "ooooo" as Sapphire put her hands on her hips as Eevee stood in front of her.Once again,everyone laughed.Paul stopped for a second.Sapphire noticed this and grinned evilly."What?Afraid to be beaten by a girl?"Sapphire said.

Everyone got silent as Paul scoffed."I accept your challenge,"he said.Everyone cheered as Sapphire smiled victoriously.Ruby squealed with excitement."GO SAPPHIRE!"Ruby yelled.Sapphire grew serious as she tightened her bandana,'I'm not losing to this guy.....'

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