Summer's Song Chapt.22

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My girls arrive early the next morning. We all were up waiting for them. We heard the doorbell and knocks finally.

"Brittany!" Lexy squealed. "Y'all are finally here" I smiled. Garrett smiled at Peyton. "Hey y'all" Amanda waved. "Come on girls" Hunter stepped back. "Oh my, Ryan is getting so big!" Stacy exclaimed. "So is y'alls babies" I laughed. "Well let's introduce everyone" Christoph hugged me from behind.

*After introductions"

"What should we do?" Joe asked. "Hmm I don't know" Dominique said. "We have some toys for the little ones outside" Kennedy smiled. "Oh I forgot to mention, this is the one who beat Landen's ass" I looked at him. He shrugged. Jaykob brings his toy over to Leisa. "Hey Jayk" Leisa smiled, taking the toy he was handing to her.

"Can we bring the babies out to play?" Dougie asked, shyly. "The babies will be okay as long as we're there" Lucy laughed. "I'll take Berkley out for you" Garrett smiled. She nodded. "How about we let y'all catch up?" Angel got off the couch. "Sounds good to me" Peyton smiled. "We'll watch the babies AND the kids" Nora said. "Hey that's hurtful" Danny pouted. Travis runs by shooting Harry with a watergun. "Exactly our point" Avril shook her head. Hayley smiled.

*on the back porch*

"How have you been Hayleybug?" Christoph smiled. She blushed. "Oh hush babe, you're embarrassing her" I smiled at him. "Have y'all heard any news yet?" Ashlee asked. They shook their heads. "Berkley and Ryan will be a year old soon!" Peyton frowned. "I know I'm gonna cry then" I laughed. "Are the twins getting along with Cassie?" Kayla asked. "Cassie loves them two like crazy" Amanda smiled.


"Man those girls are hot, well Hayley is cute" Travis said. Angel glared at him. "Love you babe!" "Yeah thought so" she said. "I can't believe these adorable babies are here because of a guy like him" Maribelle sighed. Cassidy hands Carlos a flower. "Thank you baby girl" he picked her up. "Look at Richie and those twins" Alex pointed, smiling. "He'd be a great dad one day" Jeremy said. "I think Dante needs Stacey..." Tom said, trying to soothe him.

*later on*

"I can't believe how fast today has passed" I frowned. "You girls should come visit more when jerkface is caught" V said. "Yeah we will" Lexy smiled. "Can I talk to you for a second Garrett?" Peyton asked. He nodded.

*with Garrett & Peyton*

"Thanks for being so sweet to me today" Peyton smiled. "It's not a problem, I kinda like you a lot" Garrett laughed. "I'm very flattered but you're hurting someone that I can tell loves you a lot" she sighed. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Kayla, she really likes you" she looked at his confused face. "She does?" he smiled. She smiled. "But how do you know?" "When you were sweet to me, you could see her hurting inside and besides a girl always knows about that kind of stuff" she smiled. "Will you help me out?" he blushed.

*back with everyone else*

"I'm sad to see everyone leave, especially the babies" Vanessa frowned. "We'll definitely visit again" Peyton smiled. "Thanks for caring for my twins Richie" Hayley blushed. "Not a problem sweetheart" Richie smiled. "Hey Kayla" Garrett smiled, grabbing her hand. She looked at Peyton who was smiling and telling her to go with him. "Matchmaker at work again" I hugged her. "Don't have to with you. Christoph is amazing" she smiled at him. Christoph kissed her cheek and hugged me from behind. "Bye y'all, I love you!" I waved and kissed Christoph.


Hope you liked it!

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Aww Kayla likes Garrett, will he ask her out?

No one knows where Landen is? Will they catch him before something happens?

Season 1 ending soon :))

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