1: new friend

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"(y/n)! (Y/n)!"
I sighed at my inpatient brother who was waiting for me
Yup I'm Alfred F Jones younger sister only by one year though
It was quite annoying always being put in his shadow and being blamed for stuff he did

I shook my head in annoyance
And walked up to my annoying older brother
"How was school (bad nickname)"
I huffed I hated it when he called me that
"Great just great"
Alfred waved to one of his friends and turned back to me
I sighed of course he wasn't paying attention
"Nothing let's just go"

We both started walking down the sidewalk
But I noticed we were going to go through the marketplace to get to our house
"Al what are we doing?" I raised an eyebrow
"I have to stop somewhere"
I just nodded there was nothing I could do to stop him

I looked around at all the people walking around and browsing the shops
I smiled gently
My brother grabbed my hand and dragged me to a bookstore
Wait.....A bookstore!?!
this was odd
But I shook it off

I hit his hand and he let go
I rolled my eyes
"You're such a baby I didn't even do it that hard"

We both made our way into the bookstore
A little bell rung
Signalling that we came in
"One of my friends work here" he whispered
Oh great another one of his friends
Hopefully he or she isn't like francis, Matthias or Gilbert
They can make a person go crazy

"Yo dude the hero has arrived!!!"
I hit him on the back of the head
"Shhh be quiet" I said silently and glared at him

I heard soft footsteps pattering against the wood floor
"I'm coming arfred-san" a soft voice spoke
I looked up and my eyes widened a little bit
This so called friend of Alfreds was actually pretty cute
He had neat black hair that was in a bowl shape haircut, calm brown eyes, and he seemed calm and collected
Wait....I know him he's in some of my classes

Alfred walked over and patted the guy on the shoulder
The guy seemed really uncomfortable and he pushed alfred away
"Prease don't touch me Arfred" he sounded slightly annoyed
I sighed and pulled Alfred away from the Japanese man
How I could tell you ask
Because of his accent

"I'm very sorry about that Alfred does not understand the meaning of personal space" I bowed slightly and smiled softly
The Japanese man bowed slightly to
I just nodded

"Al I'm gonna look around for a little"
I whispered in his ear
"Whatever you say little sis!"
I frowned slightly and walked away

*Kiku's pov*

"Yo dude the hero has arrived!!!"
I heard Alfred loud voice boom through the store
I sighed lightly
"I'm coming arfred-san"
I walked to where I could here his voice
Wait there was another voice to
And it was giving him a lecture?
Maybe it's Arthur
No the voice sounded to quiet to be Arthur's and more feminine

I finally made it to where Alfred was
Hmm it seems he brought company
I blushed lightly
The girl that was with Alfred was pretty cute
She had (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) colored eyes that seemed to shine a little and a delicate smile
Wait I've seen her before she's in some of my classes

I felt someone hit my shoulder
I tensed up and looked to my side just to see Alfred
"Prease don't touch me arfred"
I pushed him away
Then the girl sighed and walked over to us she dragged Alfred back
"I'm very sorry about that Alfred does not understand the meaning of personal space" she then bowed slightly and smiled softly This took me by surprise I blushed lightly and bowed slightly to All I was able to get out was "It's...quite...arright"
She just nodded

She said something to Alfred
Then Alfred yelled
"Whatever you say little sis!"
This seemed to bother her because she frowned lightly
I felt a pang in my stomach
But I quickly shook it off

*(Y/n) pov*

I walked away from the two and browsed the books
Hmmm there was a bunch of manga, anime DVD's, and other books

I walked over to the history section
Maybe I can get some books for school
I browsed through the books and found two I could use for school
Right now we were learning about Japan's culture so might as well study more even though I know quite a lot already

I browsed through other books and found one book

Alfred's sister (japan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now