27: do I?

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I sat up in my bed and looked around
So that was all just a dream
I shook my head and laid down
I stared at the ceiling
Did that dream mean something and if it did what did it mean
I groaned

What was that dream trying to tell me something
Wait in the dream Kiku confessed to me
Wait did that dream mean that Kiku likes me

Pffftt that's probably not true
It was a dream
And dreams tend not to be true

Ugh I don't know anymore
Why is this so confusing

I got out of bed and walked downstairs
Might as well go eat something
I slowly made my way down the stairs

I opened the fridge
Then the cabinet
Hmmm I guess cereal will do

I poured some in a bowl
And started eating
I heard the shower start running
I looked up the stairs and the bathroom lights are on

I shrugged and kept eating
Just then pochi came down the stairs and started cuddling with my leg
I smiled sorry as I ate

A few minutes later the water turned off
I looked up the stairs
Just as the door opened

Kiku came out with only his pants on and he is using a towel to dry is hair
You can definitely tell he has been working out

I mentality hit myself
What are you thinking
I shook my head
Just then pochi started barking

That darn dog

Kiku looked at me smiled and waved
I waved nervously
And quickly went back to eating

Gosh darn it (y/n) what's wrong with you
Stop making everything so awkward

Alfred's sister (japan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now