12: distraction

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I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes
Hmm I looked over at my phone
7:00 am
Hmmm that's weird I didn't have an alarm set
Plus I don't even have school till
the next Monday

I sighed and walked downstairs
Looks like I'm the only one awake
Might as well make breakfast

Let's see I'll make pancakes, bacon and eggs
The usual

Once I was done I set everything down on the table
and set the table up of course
A few minutes later everyone came down
Well that was easy

We all sat down at the table and started eating
While talking about random stuff

Hmm alfred is dressed already?
And fancy
"Hey I got to go I have a job interview"
I nodded
Job interview this is new
We all bid our farewells as alfred left

"I got to go to I'm going to the library to help tutor some kids" Matthew's soft voice spoke
I smiled
"Alright see you later matt"
Then he left to

Now it was just me and kiku left
He sat across from me
I looked up while eating
"Do you have work today?"
He shook his head
"My boss heard about my situation and made someone fill in my duty"
I nodded

"Wanna do something today kiku?"
He looked up at me
He looked back down

I sighed
He's being pretty quiet but I don't blame him but I got to distract him from what happened

"So kiku...anywhere you'd like to go?"
There was an awkward silence
He looked over at me and shrugged
I sighed

What am I going to do
I want to distract him from what is going on but......but I don't know how
I stood up
We were both already dressed
"Alright let's just go then"

He slowly got up and followed me out the door
Things have gotten so glomy and awkward ever since that happened
It's driving me up the wall
But I don't blame him

I got in the driver's seat and buckled myself in
I waited for kiku then I drove off to a random location

God I have no idea what I'm gonna do
I feel so bad for him
I mean I would be the same after I get in a fight with any of my siblings
Where do I take him
Think (y/n) think
Wait that's it!

I parked the car and we both got out
I watched kiku as he walked to the side of the river
There's usually cherry blossom' s here but it's winter so they didn't bloom yet

I walked over to him
"Is this good I didn't know where to take you and this was the only place I could think about and-"
I said quickly
"No no this is good" he said reassuring me

I nodded and looked at the view
It was truly amazing
I remember coming here all the time when I was younger
This was my favorite spot

I remember Alfred would pick up the fallen cherry blossoms in the air and shout it's raining blossoms
Or that one time where we played tag and Mattie ended up climbing a tree

I smiled to myself
Even though my mother's gone
I still feel her

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kiku staring at me
And he was blushing a bit
That's weird
Is he getting sick

"Hey Kiku let's go walk around" I said
He just nodded
And walked beside me

I tried to start a conversation but that didn't end well
He always had short answers

I looked up as I felt something cold melt on my nose
It's snowing
I smiled

After started to head back to the house
I sighed
Hopefully this was a good distraction

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