1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Part Two (EXPLICIT)

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POV: Severus.

Within five seconds of Hermione disappearing from the ballroom I went searching for her.

I asked every guard around if they'd seen a woman with her physical appearance and giving a description of the gown she has on.

They all said no.

I ran frantically down the hallways and up the stairs of the white house calling for her in my mind using occlumency.

Hermione, Are you hurt? Where are you? Please. Please answer me. Hermione! Where are you?!

A muggle guard stopped me and I didn't have time for this. But suddenly I heard Hermione's voice in my head ignoring the guard in question.

Severus... Lincoln... Lincoln Room...

She finally could speak to me in my mind to give me enough information to find her. Although her voice was faint, I still had her message engraved in my brain. She's in the Lincoln Room. I quickly took hold of the security guards collar throwing him against the wall and placing my wand on his neck to threaten his life to help me find her.

"Where's the Lincoln Room?" I caliginiously demanded pushing my wand deeper into his throat.

He shook where he stood quivering silently and softly spoke out of fear. "It's up the stairs in the west wing."

"Show me." I darkly stated pulling him off the wall to stand in front of me with my wand behind his back as I followed him throughout the hallways and stairs leading to the Lincoln Room.

"What kind of weapon is that?" The muggle guard asked me still struck with horror in his tone.

"Deadly..." I deeply responded and nudged him with my wand to pick up the pace.

We seemingly arrived at the Lincoln Room as he stopped dead in his tracks to open the door with his key. But he couldn't open it. Trump must have locked it with magic.

"I can't open it for some reason?" The muggle guard confessed and I pushed him aside when I heard my Hermione running to the door calling my spy name.

"Charles?! Is that you?" She banged on the door.

"Alohomora!" I beckoned the door opened and pushing forward as Hermione jumped into my arms.

We held each other as if we were never going to see each other again. How close we came to losing each other out of her defiance towards me made my stomach turn inside out.

I let go of her pushing her behind me as the muggle guard stood frozen with his mouth open in shock at what he just witnessed.

"Obliviate." I relieved this muggle of his memories and he had the familiar questionable look across his face gliding down the opposite direction of the corridor.

I turned around to ask Hermione what happened. Why would she intentionally defy me in such a way?

"What. Happened?" I luminously interrogated her. I was so outraged by her behavior I began to shake while she explained her side venture of stealing from me again... and everything that happened with the crazed lunatic these Americans had as their president.

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