"You Can Call Me Severus, Miss. Granger..."

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POV: Severus. Later that morning. Play song! 😍😘

I followed Hermione to her home without either of us speaking. Just walking by her side at a fast gliding pace. We eventually made it to her flat which wasn't too far from the ministry.

She fumbled around in her purse for her keys. She couldn't use a spell because of too many onlookers around us. Her keys suddenly popped out of her purse flying out of her hands and fell to the ground. I bent down to pick them up before she had the chance to tell me not too.

"Thank you." She kindly spoke taking her keys from my hand. We locked are gaze for a moment almost turning into a destined oblivion. She quickly turned and shoved her key into the lock and I followed her inside.

Hermione's flat was charming. It matched her perfectly. Open floor plan, clean, ordered, beautiful cream couches, subtle decorations with hints of fresh flowers sitting in vases on certain tables. But perhaps my favorite part of her flat, well it was the only part I saw at this point in time were her living room, office, and kitchen. Was her enormous wall of books sitting neatly and organized by name, origin, or magical category.

"Have a seat Professor Snape. I'll be with you shortly." She gestured her hand for me to sit wherever I'd like. "Is there anything I need to pack specifically for our journey? Besides the obvious?" Hermione picked her wand out of her purse while speaking to me.

"You can call me Severus, Miss. Granger." I thought us referring to each other in our previous manner as we've always known was causing more tension. We needed to be more comfortable in each other's presence. Calling each other by our first names was a great start. Or at least I thought so.

Hermione waved her wand into her kitchen without speaking the spell. Suddenly her dishwasher door flew open and the cabinet doors opened as well to let the flying dishes coming out of the dishwasher placing themselves gently inside their cubby home.

"You can call me Hermione, as well." She gave me a slight grin and her eyes brightened for a moment making my heart stop.

"Hermione you'll need your obvious belongings for travel. As well as the time-turner. We will need to do a bit of dress clothes shopping while we are afoot. But needed to worry. The ministry has provided the proper funds for us to acquire our necessities. We will be staying in hotels that I've already booked. We won't be hiding in The Forest of Dean in a tent this time." I tried to make her smile at me again but she had in fact the exact opposite reaction I anticipated. Hermione began to cry.

"Oh Hermione I... am sorry." I felt horrible for what I had said to her. I stood out of her chair to apologize more adamantly. I read her mind without her noticing and she was having flashbacks of their time in the forest.

"It's fine. Severus, honestly. Thank you." She wiped her tears just as fast as she quickly stopped crying. "Would you care for a drink while you wait?" She asked me with care. "No, thank you." I tried to get her to look at me but she wouldn't. Hermione then suddenly turned and walked up her stairs disappearing into the hallway to pack.

I looked around her flat trying not to be nosy. But I suddenly felt like someone was watching me. And it just so happened to be the moving pictures of her and Weasley darting at me from her office. I found myself interested and wanted to take a closer look. I liked torturing myself apparently.

From these pictures, at this point in time, they seemed very much in love. Made me sick. One picture was of them kissing with him holding onto her so tightly. Her eyes were closed and his were opened looking at her as if she was the only woman in the world. She was to me at least. The many others were of their wedding day. She was without a doubt the most stunningly gorgeous woman I've ever  witnessed.

What a fool that Weasel is to let her go. Then again he always was a fool. I wondered if she'd ever tell me what happened between them? At least now maybe I have a chance for her to belong to me? I doubt it. But if she were mine. She would be the happiest most satisfied woman in existence.

"Severus?" Hermione called for me and I turned around as she noticed me looking at her pictures. She had changed her work clothes into more comfortable clothes, still looking just as devastatingly beautiful.

Before I could speak she announced "I'm supposed to be burning those later in a ceremony tonight with Ginny. Thank you for reminding me. I need to write to tell her not come over." Hermione walked over to the desk and wrote to Ginny that she was leaving town to clear her head. Tonight's plan was to be postponed and She'll write when she can.

"Pigwidgeon!" Hermione yelled and she made me jump hearing the name of that fucking tiny owl flying down the stairs.

"Take this letter to Ginny Potter." Hermione kissed him as she finished tying the letter to his leg. He flew off fulfilling his duty. I noticed a huge matted orange furry ball walking passed me rubbing my leg realizing when I looked down better, that it was indeed a cat. It walked straight over to Hermione jumping into her arms as she began speaking to him.

"Crookshanks, this is my friend Severus from Hogwarts. We are going away for awhile. You know where your food and water is. Everything is going to be just fine." She kissed her cat and he jumped out of her arms while she screamed "Crookshanks you stay out of the toilets! I have enough to worry about then wondering whether or not your flooding our flat again!"

We locked our eyes while I watched her laughing. Her laugh was a sound I could hear for eternity.

"Well, I'm all packed." Hermione informed me then beckoned her belongings. "Accio Beaded Bag!" A small red beaded bag came flying down her stairs almost hitting me in the head. Thank, Merlin I ducked.

"Oh! Severus I'm sorry!" She smiled holding her small bag. She evidently used an extension charm to put her belongings in. She must have noticed me staring at her bag with a questionable look among my face. "This bag is good luck. We'll sort of." She began to smile then quickly faded away.

"Well, where to now Professor Snape?" She asked while winking at me.

"My home in Spinner's End. Located in Cokeworth. I have to gather my belongings as well that are already packed. And I need to prepare you for our first task." I explained to her.

"I'm ready when you are." Hermione raised her beaded bag. I slowly walked up to Hermione to stand closely by her feeling her warmth radiating onto my body. Well, Mr. Bingley's body. My polyjuice potion was still in affect.

"Do you mind if we apparate to my home? We will be apparating quite frequently for needed purposes." I looked down at her while she raised her head to look back into my eyes. I thought I noticed her shiver.

"I figured so, Severus." Hermione was a smartass but I enjoyed this humor. It reminded me of my own. I just wasn't so used to it being iterated back to me.

"Well, excuse me Hermione. But I just wanted to ask you and tell you what I was doing before I just suddenly grabbed your hand without asking."

"It's fine Severus." She took my hand aggravatingly looking out of her front window.

We apparated to my home...

YEAAAHHH come on back! Don't you want to go over to Severus' home with me??? 😂😘 thank you for reading! Love y'all! ❤😘🐍

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