Sam Eastman

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"I can't believe you managed to beat Tyler Sinclair by four seconds!" Annabelle Carson was saying breathlessly. "Tyler is the best swimmer in the district. Even Sam Eastman couldn't beat him, and Sam is the best swimmer in the school."

She'd cornered him by the lockers, just like she had yesterday. And the day before. It was quite pathetic, really.

Annabelle's best friend, Olivia Taylor, a pretty blonde with wide blue eyes that were constantly hidden by her batting eyelashes chimed in instantly. "Sam is the best athlete in the school. Or at least, was."

Annabelle giggled. "Well, not anymore. I heard you're basketball captain now, Percy."

"Yeah, I heard that too," Olivia said, her eyelashes fluttering furiously. "Percy, you're just so talented!"

Percy, you're just so talented!

It's not that I hated Percy Jackson. He was a pretty decent guy with a cool group of friends.

But envy had always been my fatal flaw, and Percy was definitely someone to be jealous of. A month ago, before he'd come Stonewall High, Annabelle, Olivia and the rest of the student body would be all over me, talking about my sporting talent and batting their eyelashes in the hopes I'd pay them attention.

If that wasn't bad enough, he'd taken the only other thing besides my reputation that he could take from me.

Two weeks ago, Alyssa Harlington, the most beautiful, funny and perfect girl in the universe and my girlfriend, had told me that she had fallen in love with Percy Jackson.

The thing was, I was in love with her. The thing was, Percy wasn't. Percy barely knew her name. Alyssa was heartbroken and she'd known him for three weeks. She didn't love him. She couldn't. She was just caught up in the orbit of Percy Jackson. Like the rest of this goddamn school.

"Uh, thanks," Percy said to Annabelle and Olivia. "But really, it's not a big deal. Swimming is kind of my thing. But you shouldn't believe the rumours. I don't want to be basketball captain, Sam Eastman has that covered and he's awesome at it."

"Sam is a pretty good captain, but you're so much better at basketball, don't you think you'd be a much better captain?" Olivia asked. Flutter, flutter.

Percy shook his head. "No, I don't think I'm really captain material."

"I suppose you know best," Annabelle said, simpering. "But I definitely agree with Liv, from what I've seen. I know a lot about basketball."

She didn't.

Percy looked around awkwardly. "Um, well, thanks. I have Biology now, so I really have to get to class. You would know Mr Campbell, wants you there early. So, ah, bye?"

Annabelle and Olivia waved, and Percy practically ran away. The girls began giggling as soon as he was out of earshot.

Why waste compliments on someone who doesn't appreciate them? Why not appreciate compliments?

I would never understand the people who faun over Percy Jackson. I would never understand Percy Jackson.


Being mad was time consuming, so I got to class only just before the bell. Usually I was prepared and sitting in my seat a few minutes before the bell. I liked sitting up the back.

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